Why do you provide a Laravel starterkit that is not working without any fixes applied?Most of the assets directory's are wrong, als other fixes needs to be applied before i even can test it locally.Where is the GITHUB repo where every Laravel developer can push there fixes and ask dedicated qu...
why the team is not updating the laravel.in the previous release also this assets issue appers and now when i downlaod this new version again i am facing this issue when i run npm dev cmd.i also tried the followingsteps but still its not working.1. Delete the `node_modules` folder in your pr...
https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/menu/overview - here described the menu functionality.In Initialization section: add .menu CSS class to the menu container along with data-kt-menu="true" attribute to define the menu container.With .menu class I add the: "menu-sub menu-...
I am working on a Transaction Project that requires datatable with flexibility of adding ,updating and deleting rows ,customizing columns and Validation data flow . How can i deal with that in React Template , can you give more guideline for that
I wondered what is the best methodology to develop based on Metronic with React. I installed the demo and it’s all working well. But I see that all components are in the _metronic folder. Is it advisable to leave them there and modify them, or is it better to create a new folder and make copies? I...
Hi Team!I bought Medtronic template and already in the middle of creating my website with it.Now I need an additional javascript plugin "three".I installed it via NPN and yarn. Can find it in the "node_modules" folder.From that point I am a bit lost how to integrate it in the build environ...
When Trying to install starter kit of Metronic laravel theme i am getting following error:TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) at C:\Users\Kashif\Downloads\themeforest-Y9tF6thq-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template\laravel\laravel_demo1...
Hi! I added via "yarn add typedjs" the lib.In my index.html I copied the javascript code at end: var typed = new Typed("#kt_typedjs_example_1", { strings: ["First sentence.", "Second sentence.", "Third sentense", "And some longer...
Hi! I downloaded v8.2 Asp.Net Core version and, as you know, there is already a wwwroot folder with assets inside. However, if I follow the getting started section and make 'yarn install', 'npm run build --demo1' in _keenthemes/tools folder, the content of wwwroot/assets folder changes. Lots of...
I am using Metronic 8.2.0 and the sign-up template from demo25 (fancy one).I want to sent the input data from email and password to my php file where it’s getting checked with the database if email already exists or not. If yes the user should get a modal that he must choose another. If okay the...
Hi There,I recently purchased your Keen V.3.0.5 theme and have started working with it, but I noticed today that your Docs & Components website is not working:https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/keen/docs/indexCan you please advise when this will be functional again?Thanks!Reuben
Hi,I built my Layout with layout-builder URL.html It creates metronic_html_v8.2.0-1689961543 zip file with 2 folders and the index file.I copy that folder and the index.html file to my spring project.Now, I start my app and there is no errors on navigator console. Not even in STS IDE co...
Im beginner to metronic and I have trauble to find how metronic store data?. I cant find php file to connect with mysql, so there is some different way to do that? where I can find documentation how to connect with database? thank you.
Hello there,In the layouts/main-layout/header/menu/menu-pages.vue, line 134:this icon is statically defined to "keen icon" and to "element-8" in it which the following codes will not affect in the core/config/MainMenuConfig.t...
General plugins.bundle.js file is being loaded. It's size is ~ 4mb. How can I reduce the size of this because this takes a lot of time o load and causing the site almost unusable?