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Tag: Angular (532)

I can't able to use KTPlugin on angular metronics. Can anyone help me pls
Hello we bought metronic for use angular versionBut we saw a problem about recieving async data.when we get some data from services data is coming but not showing on screen until i click it twice.I think theme 3rd part tools blocking something. or its taking css nad html files async....
Hi,How do I generate template on Metronic 8 for empty Angular project? It seems that builder option works only for HTML.Regards
Hi Devs,does anyone have a metronic custom styles for ng-select?
Hello Team, i like metronic 8 demo 1 - default theme but angular version has only few menus than html version, can you please provide me full menu version in angular so that i can buy immediately for my project.Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can start my project which is pendin...
Hello Team,I have the Metronic Template which I am using to create a Angular Based Project so in that I am stuck in the designing issue in Dropdown in table.In Table the data is rendering dynamically and in that one last column have button and after clicking that button the dropdown opens so...
Hello Team,I need below Angular 13 Theme you please make it available for us. Please let me know when its ready.
I'm trying to use RTL in Angular-Demo2 version, but the generated has an error that makes the project unable to runAnd when I updated the "webpack", it gave me a different error that prevented the project from working.What should I do?Another question, I want to apply rtl & ltr...
I'm try to create tour tutorial for my App (Angular - Metronic), in that tutorial I need to Open Aside Menu automatic by code to show the user that all menu available.try using JSdocument.getElementById('kt_aside_toggle').click();but aside still not open and need operator to cli...
I would like to use datatables in my Metronic 8 Angular template.Unfortunately, I did not find any documentation on how to do this.Can you please assist me ?
We are currently developing a web app using ABP commercial framework. ABP commercial comes with Leton themes by default.We would like to try out the Metronic themes for angular.Asks:a. Is there a trial/free version (limited controls/components) which we can evaluate on our application, before...
I am using the search result inner component in Angular Metronic Version 8. After typing and selecting from the dropdown, then navigating, how do I close the pop-up and reset it without destroying it?
HiI was using the metronic template of this version to my angular app. I had angular's version update from 8 to 12.After that the side-bar components doesn't work right. On the first randing page, it works w...
Hi,I like to know the correct process to integrate a plugin in the theme, i'm trying to use select2 and follow what I undertand from the guides but the select don't get the correct style, the dropdown box change somehow but the list of options not and the tag with multiple select don't work either...
Can the Metronic Pro Template be converted To a PWA?
Hello,I'm from a company who's using Metronic from older versions.We are moving our front tech to Angular.Does anyone know if there is compatibilty issues when using PrimeNg components within a Metronic Angular template ?Thank you for your answers !Alain
Hello, I just purchased "Good" Theme. I love it. I am wondering if you have any guidlines on how to integrated with Angular ? Do I need to create a wrapper Angular component for each pure js component provided ? Also, Have you any plans in the roadmap to make it more Angular friendly ?
Dear, Thank you for your effort in building the beautiful theme Metronic, Kindly I need to build website with RTL & LTR Can you guide me how to implement it thank you
Hi !I would like to know how to use select2, tagify or other features in the Angular version? Because there is surely some custom css.Also, is there a roadmap for the next features in the Angular version? (Tables..)
Hi there!I had a simple question before I buy one of your products. As I was exploring Metronic 8 Demo 1, I liked the RTL version of it and wanted to buy it but couldn't find any description of what framework it supports. The framework I work with is Angular. Just wanted to make sure if the...
hello now only angular is available for demo1,I want to use demo16 template in my angular project,for this i will install the dependencies and then move the assets/ folder to my project as it is and I will integrate the .css files.Do you think I need to convert .css files to sass files l...