I have some details with the Demo1 sidebar and top bar menu , when i first access the page they don't work, unless I make a full page reload. Is there a way to reload the Custom Javascript or something else in order to ensure the menu works from de begging?
I'd appreciate your feed back
Sorry for the delay. Glad it worked.
It worked!! Thank you very much for your help, you are awesome!
Hi Eduardo,
So you are using the JS files from HTML then? core/html/src/js/components/menu.js
For this case, could you please try to reinitialize using this class when the Angular view is mounted?
By the way. Every thing was workin normally until I implemented CanActivate from @angular/router. This caused this issue. Thanks in advance again.
I'm using my own custom Angular with HTML Metronic. Thanks in advance for your kind help
Sorry for the delay. May I know if you are using the Metronic Angular app? Or your own custom Angular application with HTML Metronic?
If you are using Metronic Angular, the plugin has a reinitialization function. It's in
/angular/demo1/src/app/_metronic/layout/components/scripts-init/scripts-init.component.ts file