I have found a very weird issue in the navigation of angular versions of metronic 8.
Try to follow the following procedure.
1. Please visit this link. Click here
2. Click on Pages > Profile > Projects in left side bar navigation and wait for page to load.
3. Now click on Dashboard or Layout Builder in left side bar navigation and wait for page to load.
4. You will see Pages > Profile > Projects is still active in the side bar navigation but which should not be like that. I am sharing the screenshot for the reference.
Please let me know if you guys need a video for the same..
Link for the image - Click Here
Recently being noticed that the issue still exists and i took a look at it.
Of my opinion the problem is related with routing changes when navigation is not coming from side menu but from any other link inside the app.
I made a few modifications to ./src/app/_metronic/layout/components/header/header.component.ts: at routingChanges()
as below:
routingChanges() {
var activeMenuItem: HTMLElement;
const routerSubscription = this.router.events.subscribe((event) => {
if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
const findings: HTMLCollectionOf<Element> = document.getElementsByClassName("show here");
if (findings.length > 0)
for (let i = 0; i < findings.length; i++) {
activeMenuItem = findings[i] as HTMLElement
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd || event instanceof NavigationCancel) {
if (activeMenuItem) {
activeMenuItem.classList.remove("show", "here", "hover");
var subMenu = activeMenuItem.querySelector(".menu-sub");
if (subMenu) {
subMenu.classList.remove("show", "menu-active-bg");
.Hi Durvesh,
To address the issue with the sidebar navigation sub-menu accordions, you can make the following changes into file /src/app/_metronic/kt/components/MenuComponent.ts:
1. Add `this._hideAccordions(element)` inside the `_link` function:
private _link = (element: HTMLElement, e: Event) => {
// ...
// ...
private _hideAccordions = (item: HTMLElement) => {
const itemsToHide = this.element.querySelectorAll(".hover[data-kt-menu-trigger]");
// ...
I found out that replacing routerLinkActive="menu-active-bg" with "here show" in the sub-accordion item fixes the sub menu not collapsing after changing routes.
The parent item still shows up as active until you click it again, though. Still trying to find a workaround.
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for looking into this. I have added your input at my end. But I will still look for the final solution from your end.
Thanks & Regards
Durvesh Parmar
Hi Durvesh,
Thank you for your feedback. We are aware of the issue now. We will check it further to fix the issue.
Any update on this?