Hello author, i am trying to implement datatables in laravel + vue combo. Can you please help me out ? only KTDatatable is available in metronic 8 vue version and even in that there is not a single ajax KTDatatable example….How do i do that ? For sample there is only “resources/ts/src/store/modules/AuthModule.ts” is avaiable which is not useful at all. At least add one single example of each API request : GET, PUT, PATCH, and POST. That will be BIG HELP.
If you are removing KTDatatable and implemeting datatables.net then can you please give ETA on that for both HTML as well as in vue ?
Anyways are you guiz also planning to include GraphQL as well ?
We saw your new question and we will reply to that post.
Alright......Please keep me posted.