significant changes have been made from 8.1.1 to 8.1.6 like moving from vue cli and vuex to vite and pinia.
I would like to upgrade these tools is there anything i need to watch out for or i can spin up a new project and move my specific code to the new version
Whats the best way to approach this?
Hi George,
In Metronic v8.1.6 we migrated from Vue-cli to Create-Vue application and replaced Vuex with Pania. See full release changelog.
I think the easiest way to add Pania and Vite is by create new Create-Vue with Vite and then copying code from the latest Metronic versions and applying your changes.
You can find tips on Metronic version updates in your documentation on "Updating Metronic" page.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team