What is the purpose of this line, is this accidental or should something from the server-side be populating this field?
The demo doesn't show it but when I build the static assets I can see it from front-end in production, I want to make sure there isn't a missing class needed here.
Line 11 on:
• themeforest-9W1YklRG-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template\metronic_v8.1.6\vue\demo1\src\layouts\AuthLayout.vue
• <div class="<?php echo $params['wrapperClass']?> p-10">
• php echo $params['wrapperClass']?
Thank you for your message, good catch.
This code is there by mistake, we will fix it in the next release.
For now, you can replace this code with class w-lg-500px
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Of course, and there is 1 more I found as well
line 165 of metronic_v8.1.6\components\dashboard-default-widgets\Widget8.vue
php echo Theme::getPageUrl('apps/projects/project')
We already removed this code, it is just a link value so you can replace it with your page URL.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team