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Tag: PHP (458)

At the following link left bar is not visible. There are probably problems compiling css. We chose the demo1 template with the fixed left sidebar
Hello Devs!After upgrading my Metronic 8.0.38 Laravel version, the svg icons doesnt accept colors like:svg-icon-primary or svg-icon-danger, they appear black, also my pagination buttons from datatables are broken, is there something i missed? or where should I check to fix this issues?...
i have problem in metronic laravel adminDemo has not been set or \App\Core\Bootstraps\Bootstrap file is not found
Hi,Can I get a full login/register etc. backend code in php for my React theme? Have you any tutorial for this? If not, can I get some other language backend code so my web can work with it alone, not your test public api?Thank You
Anybody could help how to make advance search form from database as per below link? a beginner, and doesn't much knowledge on jquery or javascript. I tried so much research and found none...
What is the framework that keenthemes uses on its website, where can I buy it?
i need to create Reorder for front end website menuis metronic 7 has any template have same like jqueryui sortable?like this one
Hi I have been following the documentation to install vue and laravel with metronic here: have got to the last step "npm run dev"However with what looks most of the vue components I am getting the following error w..., In this video, the include process was made with php. How will the first project setup be with only html without php? Can you provide clear documentation on this?
I have this problem and i don't know how to solve it, i put all CSS and JavaScript in the page and it continue not working.ERROR: (index):1611 Uncaught ReferenceError: jKanban is not defined at (index):1611:18Anyone know how can i solve it?Thanks for your time,Víctor.
Hi,I am using Vue version of the the theme.Does the table plugin support the ability to expand a row?and how can I implement it ?Is there an example?
Hi, since i purchase this theme, i wonder is there someone built some script out of it? i couldnt find any developer to creat my ideas but i wonder if any script around with this awsome theme. Thanks
I'm following this tutorial --> I run "gulp --localhost" I can see .html files, but if I want to see any php file, it will be download ( not show ) and it's shows "Listing directory".This is my url --> http://localhost:8080/project/What am...
Is there any way in vue demo that we can set the action button on the breadcrumb section right side dynamically based on the page same as the breadcrumbs?
Hello, the calendar app in metronic 7 html sometimes disappears, it doesn't load, the problem is that it's not always, it happens sometimes.Any known bug?Thank you
Now I use Metronic 8 in my project. I try to seach about example of editable in this template but I can't see anymore. When I search on Google Chrome I found editable in Metronic V4. example of editable...
First I get Typescript error because Jquery is not included in page.. Once I include Jquery(I thought this theme came DataTable ready?.. ) I get this error,Uncaught TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function at HTMLDocument. (customers:2297:165) at j (jquery.js:3148:30)...
Hi Team,There is an issue with the form validation showing the same error message twice in the sweetalert. I'm sure you've noticed this ,but if you have not it's a super easy change.This is due to the response having the same error multiple times.Example - {message:...
I have copied over the HTML version of the customers listing, but i am unable to make it work.The filter doesnt work, neither does the template. I did add theand it made it look pretty. But other than that it doubles my filters and also expands my buttons. It ta...
Hi there, I'm using Metronic 8 and all my menu dropdowns stop listening after an ajax call.I know I have to re-bind all the dropdowns and accordions and I have tried using the KTmenu.createInstances(), KTApp.init() and $(selector).dropdown() methods however this does not seem to work. Here i...
Hi ! I'm using select element with data-kt-select2="true" , but when I declare on change event in my page KTUtil.onDOMContentLoaded , the event will not be trigger . Anyone know how to fix it ? (I'm using metronic laravel template and use laravel mix).This is my html and js code :