I am trying to convert the Laravel template to Livewire so can use it as SPA for the fast loading of the page without loading all script assets on each page load,
I am following this,
The below code is from mastar.blade.php, where I have tried to use ```data-navigate-once``` so that it will load scripts only on the first load.
<!--begin::Global Javascript Bundle(mandatory for all pages)-->
@foreach(getGlobalAssets() as $path)
{!! sprintf('<script src="%s" data-navigate-once></script>', asset($path)) !!}
<!--end::Global Javascript Bundle-->
<!--begin::Vendors Javascript(used by this page)-->
@foreach(getVendors('js') as $path)
{!! sprintf('<script src="%s"></script>', asset($path)) !!}
<!--end::Vendors Javascript-->
<!--begin::Custom Javascript(optional)-->
@foreach(getCustomJs() as $path)
{!! sprintf('<script src="%s"></script>', asset($path)) !!}
<!--end::Custom Javascript-->
And I have given links with navigate,
<a href="/futures" wire:navigate class="menu-link">
The problem is, the page loads correctly, but on top header menu normally we get submenu on hover and then we click to go another page, but when I enable navigate in link, it does not open hover menu,
So the question is, which script is responsible for this header layout menu, which opens the menu when hovering over it?
What are the steps to identify the script responsible for the header layout menu in a Laravel template converted dinosaur game to Livewire?
Hi Jigar,
Sorry for the delay in response. Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and will look into fixing this issue in future versions of the template. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask.
This has been resolved with below solution, I think you should fix this in next version as everyone wants SPA only with use of livewire,