"><img> to paste in an image
The paths you mentioned, such as "layout-partial:partials/theme-mode/_init.html" and others, are sample reference paths used in HTML comments. These references are intended for the Metronic HTML version and not for direct use in a Spring Boot project.
To properly include the layout partials in your Spring Boot application, you should use Spring Boot's include function to include the relevant HTML files. For example, you can use "th: replace" attribute to include the layout partials in your HTML templates.
Here's an example of how you can include a layout partial in your HTML template:
<div th:replace="partials/theme-mode/_init.html"></div>
It works now.
Thank you very very much.
Navigator code from index.html show empty values for each layout-partial:
<layout-partial:layout partials="" _page-loader.html="">