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Tag: Metronic (1398)

Hi, When I refresh my page it seem it went from dark mode back to light. Is it some script or something that I accidentally remove or something that may cause it? And how can I fix it? I'm using V.8.1.0 Thanks.
Hi keenthemes,The Slider appears to not work in RTL Landing page, although it is working on the LTR .. ??Here : you
I found some error messages while compiling Vue version of demo8 downloaded from the site, and all of them are on "endingShape": "..." in ApexChart.endingShape is deprecated long time ago since ApexChart 3.27 but Metronic8 demos are still using this, which is quite surprising.
How to change the document title in the export datatable feature?For example, export datatable to excel (ecommerce app), the title is SHIPPING REPORT, I want to replace it with a title that suits my needs.Thank you
Where can I find the KTDatatable in v8, as I'm seeing in components only and yours are more smooth, besides with the regular setup of loads data with page rendering and if it takes too long will hangup page, but KTDatatable waits until page render and then loads data so...
Hi, I see Axios is already installed in package.json, but why is it still causing axios is not defined when we call axios on our script? isn't it already on plugins.bundle.js? Why select2 and sweetalert 2 can be used just using plugins.bundles.js? Thanks.
HiI try to use "" to catch when the user dropdown menu is open.But on vue3 and Metronic 8.0.38 I get this javascript error:Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: _layout_header_Topbar_vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__.default?.reinitialization is not a function...
How we can trigger events manually. for example, I want to remove image if greater then specific size.var imageInputElement = document.querySelector("#kt_image_input_control");var imageInput = new KTImageInput(imageInputElement);imageInput.on("kt.imageinput.changed", function(e) {...
Dear Sir/Madam,I am interested in your Metronic theme for Asp.Net Core or Blazor Are all the pages fully implemented for these platforms?Thank you.Dean
Hi, I copied the search.js from /src/ folder and tried to use it. I put it on the bottom of the page but got this error message: fsearch.js:123 Uncaught TypeError: searchObject.on is not a function How can I solve this problem? and how or where is the place I can put an ajax request...
I'm using the menu for my "Filters" like in the examples. I want to not close the menu unless the user will click on the close button.I tried data-kt-menu-static="true" and data-kt-menu-permanent="true" but it doesnt work.Any can help how to use the static and permanent option properly?
Hi,I'm using VUE componentes and I find some issues with charts / widget3 component.1. The 3 top righ buttons (Year, Month and Week) buttons doesn't work (I click and nothing happens);2. I'm not able to internacionalize the x-axis and mouse tip (I cannot transate the name of the months t...
Hi, i've just bought the Metronic theme on Theme Forest. When i see the documentation, it sends me here to download the templates. How can i do the download since i havent bought on KeenThemes?The theme that i bought
Issues with menu position, and i cant understand why menu is jump to left-top. I use default menu html inside card:
The changes I make in the settings in general.php have no effect. e.g;// Aside 'aside' => array( 'display' => true, // Display aside 'theme' => 'light', // Set aside theme(dark|light) 'menu' => 'main'...
Is there a reason why the entire font-awesome class set was removed from the global plugins.bundle.css file
Dear members,We are using Metronic 7 with Jquery 1.7. Can we use it with Jquery 3.5? If so, can you please guide me.Thank you,Anup
Hi,I'm using Metronic 8 with Laravel, and there are some tables such as 'roles', 'permissions', 'role_has_permissions', 'model_has_roles' and 'model_has_permissions' to handle authorization.I couldn't figure out how to use these tables, especially last two tables. Also, there is no field in a...
Hi, I am having difficulties in react theme to create custom layout without affecting the Master Layout. Whenever i made change in custom layout, it effect the Master Layout too. Will you guide me to proper documentation or any video you have .
How to enable the popovers on metronic 8? pages that have, but doesnt work:CreateAccountModal.vueAdvanced.vueStep3.vueDemosDrawer.vue
How can I upgrade to php8 in metronic 8? Will it cause errors?I want to install composer packages but they require php 8.