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Tag: Laravel (727)

I have integrated metronic 028 into my laravel project, all default build.My select2 works like the one below. The CSS doesn't work properly.
Hello Team,In the latest metronic laravel there is a major mistake in the reset-password.bladeBelow is wrong and needs to have a different ID an Action.Also the JS is not loaded because it is not implemented in pages.php
Hi,I did everything described in this link: can log in to the system and it's working but my browser console is showing some errors like:Failed to load resource: the server responded w...
Hello, are you planning to release metronic 8 template with laravel?
Hello, I bought the metronic 8 theme and I can't seem to find where I can import the components, Here's a list of some of the components that I would like to use : - Wizard of multi step.- Different types of cards to display products, users and companies. - The print invoices compon...
DataTables not showing "Processing... or Loading..." message, even in your demo: advise,Thanks
Hi,I have a base metronic 8.1.5 laravel.I have added the option dark mode in settings // Layout 'layout' => array( 'main' => [ 'dark-mode-enabled' => true, ] ),Als have read the following page : https://preview.keentheme...
Hello, I did everything described here: for the part: The default dev dependency laravel-mixis required for next steps, you should leave it in the npm/package.json.(I am not sure what it means.)Then...
I have the following problem following ( executing the command 'npm run dev', it is already mounted in ubuntuERROR in ./resources/assets/core/plugins/plugins.scssModule build faile...
Hello, I have been trying to find a way to change the language i use in my laravel/metronic 8 application. 1st problem : I have created a new lang folder called fr, and to get started I copied the files I had in the folder en, translated them, changed the language in app.php and the pages ar...
Metronic8 Demo7 LavravelBreadcrumb have disappeared.What is the logic to set the Breadcrumbs?Thank you
Hello,I'm using the Laravel package of the demo7. I cannot close the modal with the discard buttonSame page as below.Am I missing something?
Hii have setup metronic dashboard at a local server evrythink is okay and goodwhen i setup google authentication I use this parameter for .env GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID= my_id .... GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET= my_secret .... GOOGLE_CLIENT_CALLBACK=https://localhost:8000...
How to setup hot reload in webpack in metronic 7 and react template? what is the config and command to run in a terminal?
I bought a metronic theme, I followed the laravel instructions to build the application. Everything is working fine except that the svg icons are not working. I tried looking for a fix on my own but i'm not getting anywhere.
Hi, We use laravel version metronic 8.1.5 , in rtl version toaster message not show currect, the icon should be on the right side, but in left side.also i attach my config and photo of this error. toastr.options = { "closeButton": true, "debug": false,...
Hi, I'm working on a laravel project with a traditional frontend (blade files, no react, no vue or anything like that).The client would like to swap AdminLTE for another dashboard. But he doesn't want to invest the time to transform the existing application into a backend API, so the new dashboa...
Please help with form validation. I want to replicate the register page but form validation is not workingthis is my create and store methodspublic function create(){ return view('associations.create'); }// For the association creation public function store(){...
Hello within my Laravel App using metronic i can collapse the main sidebar nav and this will collapse okay. When I move to another page or this page is reloaded the navbar defaults back to the maximised display. Could you tell me why this is happening or how to resolve the issue? I would like the na...
Hello Although I looked in detail, I could not see a video or tutorial about installing metronic laravel. Is there a document or video for me to use with laravel
Hello, please help me.I created a controller, I pulled some data from the DB, when I pass the data to the view I get this error : Undefined variable $memberMembersController : public function member(Request $request){ $member = DB::table('members')->where('id', $request->query('m'...
we build a software using Metronic vue, when we start using the built website "program" and after switching between menu items, the vue becoming freezing (not responding). we investage the issue, and we found that component (MenuComponent, ToggleComponent, ect) has been initialized, and didn...