Hello, how to use metronic html version in laravel ui + vue? css is fine but the javascript is not working
Unfortunately, at the moment, we haven't tried to combine Laravel and Vue using sources from our HTML version.
I guess the reason for not working javascript files is that we are initializing all our js files on the first-page load but in Laravel + Vue apps usually, dom is rendered differently and during our js initialization, your elements might not be ready. You can try to move js file initialization from "load" event into onMounted function inside your Vue components.
Also, as an alternative, you can consider using our default Vue app combined with Laravel.
You can find the latest integration tutorial here: https://devs.keenthemes.com/question/laravel-9-vue-with-vite-integration-metronic-v816
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team