I have been trying to make the subtable work for me the past few days but i can't seem to find a way.
I imported the JS and CSS and the only error i'm getting in console (GET ---- NET::ERR_ABORTED 404).
I'm really out of ideas as this is an important widget that i need to use.
Thank you in advance
Hi Ali,
Sorry for the delay. Could you please verify if you have imported this JS file?resources/assets/core/js/components/_init.js
Probably the suitable cannot be opened because this JS file is missing.
By right, the above JS file is already imported in this file:resources/assets/demo3/js/scripts.js
This is the bundled JS in the public folder that needs to import:public/demo3/js/scripts.bundle.js
Hi Ali,
Which subtable are you working on? Could you please send a screenshot?
Are you working on the Laravel starterkit?
Thank you for your quick response.
I Am using the datatables subtable, it has only 1 example. https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/datatables/subtable
And what do you mean about the Laravel starterkit ?
And here's is the screenshots of the output : https://snipboard.io/89Qfrg.jpg.
And of course the already imported the CSS and scripts on the getting started with datatables. So i really don't know what i did wrong.
Thank you again.