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Tag: Laravel (725)

Hello,can you help me implement date picker on my projectMetronic 8 + Demo 7I'm trying to implement flatpickrI saw this page but I don't how to proceed you
I downloaded the Laravel version, but there is no config/demo1/page.php file as it says in the document? And there is only the homepage?
Hello,can you please tell me how inserted at the bottom of the sign-up page?Thank you
Hello, I'm getting these warnings after a brand new installationDevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILUREDevTools failed to load source map: Could not load...
I have been trying to create a microservice application with Metronic 8.1.2 as a backend Laravel demo 7 and Vue JS demo 7 as a frontend. When I deployed it on the live server using Apache2, it showed an error "Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://api' from origin 'http://url' has been blocked by CORS...
Hello there,are there any thoughts of migrating metronic theme to laravel + vite? If yes, do you know any release date for now?In addition: Do you have thoughts about an adaption for laravel, vue, inertia (with laravel jetstream) and vite? That's a stack that a lot of developers use that I k...
RequirementMetronic version v8.1.6+PHP 8.1.9+Composer 2.4.1+Node 16.16.0+Create a new Laravel 9 project
select2 has no style in the new laravel starter kit can we fix the styles?Thanks
Hello, laravel project is up and running. And everything is fine.By default, demo1 is running. How can I port this to demo19 in the easiest way? Do I have to translate everything manually?
i have downloaded the starter kit and it seems incomplete, only two widgets available for tables in the resources folder _widget-14.blade.php and _widget-16.blade.phpwhere i can find all other widgets examples for tables.
Hi,We need to override the values in general.php from controller dynamically.we need to override page title, meta options and adding pixels script.Please guide me how to do that.Thanks
After deploying the Laravel project on CentOS, try to access the link and find that the 404 page is automatically redirected, but the link access is normal, you can also log in to the...
I am not able to log in or reset my password in laravel app. When I log in it simply returned to the login page and if I am resetting the password it shows an error "The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST."
Hi,Personally I love your Metronic HTML Template, its beautifully designed and crafted, easy to learn and implement than any other brand template..but other Metronic versions like VUE etc. are little bit over bloated with outdated dependencies, and complex for starting new projects, Compilin...
Hello,I hope you can help me. I have been trying to figure out how i can make the search option on select2 work but i can't seem to find a way. Here's the html code :
I have a suggestion, Please collaborate with Web Developer Youtubers like Laravel Daily, Bitfumes etc. So that they can create up to date video tutorials on how to integrate Metronic Template with different web technologies like Laravel, Vue JS, Inertia etc.. and Tutoria...
Hello! I set up a project from scratch on laravel + Vue, and started needing html pages migrated. The ”/assets/js/scripts.bundle.js” is not working in the components which are connected via . Can you please tell me what this problem could be due to ?
I've faced this issue so many times that it became annoying at this point.When I add NPM package like the doc is mentioning and run laravel mix, it bundles the package and works. However!!!I can't follow the package documentation and code examples due to the following errors I'm getting. When...
Good day,I've been trying to install this template on laravel for days, but I fail every timeCan somebody help me?
Hello, I want to use demo 19 with laravel, but when I downloaded the files, I couldn't see demo 19, can you help?
Hi,I tried to download the DEMO3 version, but I get the following error message in XML format:NoSuchKeykeenthemestx0000000000000d61dde4f-00639d706d-2f83d257-ams3b2f83d257-ams3b-ams3-zg02
You can only download demo 1 of laravel and also this demo is very incomplete, it only has the integrated dashboard. I would need a complete laravel demo just like you have at should specify better in the themforest file that for Laravel the integ...