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Tag: Gulp (70)

Hello,I am getting the bellow error when I try to build the demo1 theme. Please help. Thank you.C:\recruiter-ai\ui\tools>gulp --demo1Error: Not supported at eval (eval at (C:\Users\marko\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\gulp-cli\lib\shared\require-or-import.js:10:15),
Is there any documentation or best practices to integrate the theme (Keen) in a symfony/twig project ?My goal is to preapre a starter layout for all my future projects.But as I can see, if you change an option and rebuild the layouts with the Layout Builder", the partials are completely diff...
Hello,I am working for a client to build a website using metronic8 demo 1 theme through html.i have an issue because on my theme folder, i only have the demo1 folder, not the tool ones with all the stuff to install it on the right way.Where is it possible ton download it?Thanks in adva...
While trying to build the project with webpack, I encountered this problemModule not found: Error: Can't resolve @/src/plugins/formvalidation/dist/amd/plugins/Bootstrap5.js in /home/XXX/Bureau/XXX/metronic/tools/webpack/plugins