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Tag: Gulp (69)

Is there a way to import the html plugins in my Vue project? I am not sure how to configure the Vue project to use those plugins
hi. i add package for mapbox-gl in your template as i dont want to use leaflet. can you show me in gulp compile to change the NODE_ENV and make mapbox-gl can compile thier dependencies. i got error in css too.
I added this code in gulp.config.js... ckeditorclassic: { src: { scripts: [ "{$config.path.node_modules}/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic/build/ckeditor.js", "{$config.path.node_modules}/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-alignment/build/alignment.js" ] }, dist: { scripts: "{$config.d...
I couldn't open your spring application in java. If I want urgent help, are you flying remotely if possible?
I have HTML Metronic I created Layout and placed in my project but partials files not working, The paths are correct but nothing appears ???
Hey, I want to integrate my react app with metronic. How to start that. I have a sample metronic project along with me. Guide me with the steps
I'm having a problem with laravel mix about adding new scss or js :(What is the best practice to add custom scss or js in laravel start kit? ex. I have a page view - resources/view/page/homepage.blade.phpscss - /page/homepage.scssjs -
I removed the "type": "module" from the packge.json file as your instructed and ran the npm run build command. I now receive the following error: > keenthemes@1.0.0 build> webpack>> Building...node:internal/process/promises:289 triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */); ^...
Hello,i created a form, which gives input depends on the answer. If the user use radiobutton 1 then comes a other input than if he would use radiobutton 2.How can i validate the anwers the user choice and dont validate the input from the other radiobutton.Thanks!System: HTML
I want to install gulp,for that, I saw this doc:,but I can't find a directory /theme/tools/
Hi,I got this error TypeError: KTApp.hidePageLoading is not a function, could you help me on this?the error seems happens from scripts.bundle.js // Init page loaderwindow.addEventListener("load", function() { KTApp.hidePageLoading();});
(py39env) [oracle@srvpython rockdb]$ __init__.pyc __pycache__ _keenthemes _templates assets auth dashboards requirements.txt routes.pyc venv(py39env) [oracle@srvpython rockdb]$ ls -ltrtotal 16-rw-rw-rw-. 1 oracle oinstall 1014 Jan 30 21:57 routes.pyc-rw-rw-rw-. 1 or...
Hello,i have never worked with node.js, webpack or gulp before.Can I install and use the theme without these tools.Otherwise I still have to learn about these tools.I also do not know if these tools affect my development environment.Many thanks and greetingsWolfgang
After completing all the steps in the documentation and going to localhost:3000 I get this error:ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxxxxx/Downloads/nodejs/starterkit/public/assets/media/icons/duotune/arrows/arr066.svg' at Object.openSync (node:fs:590:3) at Object.readFile...
Hi support,I have a problem when using gulp to build asset.I have folder like below :C:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\demo1C:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\toolsC:\metronic-8.1.7\html\theme\node_modulesIf I follow instrunction at
The variable "$custom-sizes" in _variables.scss file has only the following percentage values: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.I would like to add new missing values, for example: 5%, 10%, 15%...I created a new variable "$custom-sizes" add only the desired values in _variables.custom.scss, not overwritin...
Hello,I am looking for to create new pages and the doc doesn't explain this point.All pages are created in the /dist/ file after running gulp command. Now where do I create my own pages? Directly in /dist/?These pages contain between 15K and 30K lines. This does not seem to me...
I build gulp asset installed correctly but gulp --prod not working
Hi, I'm trying to use the Metronic Demo 2 and I found that the scripts.bundle.js file isn't being built the same way the demo builds it. Because of this any (all) of the Metronic in house components (the ones location in the KTComponents var) do not work. The 2 I'm trying to use are Drawer and Me...
HiWhen I change the value of config.path.src and remove {demo} from it (and give it the correct relative path), it gives the following error when compiling by gulp:Using gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"[20:31:25] Using gulpfile F:\Programming Projects\Web\education\dev\theme\demo\too...
Hi, I download metronic_html_v8.1.4_demo20 and when I try to use the gulp command it gives an error. At first it give an error about lodash, i install it using NPM and that error is missing (I don't know that installing this lodash using npm is correct way), and then after that it give me other erro...