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Tag: Gulp (70)

Hi, I download metronic_html_v8.1.4_demo20 and when I try to use the gulp command it gives an error. At first it give an error about lodash, i install it using NPM and that error is missing (I don't know that installing this lodash using npm is correct way), and then after that it give me other erro...
Hi, I see Axios is already installed in package.json, but why is it still causing axios is not defined when we call axios on our script? isn't it already on plugins.bundle.js? Why select2 and sweetalert 2 can be used just using plugins.bundles.js? Thanks.
hi, I added the template files in my rails project and when I try to precompile I get this error: rake aborted!SassC::SyntaxError: Error: Custom property values ​​may not be empty. on line 62279:70906 of stdin>> size:1.075rem;--bs-navbar-toggler-icon-bg:url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csv...
I have tried to add apexchart to a page.However, when I copied the code from Apexchart demo and put in the target file.I got this error Uncaught ReferenceError: KTUtil is not defined.Here is the direct link to the file
Hi,Metronic's by default includes all its available resources within the gulp config so the bundle size of the compiled CSS/JS files. To reduce the file size of the CSS/JS bundle files follow the below steps: Open theme/tools/gulp.config.js and refer to base->global->src
hi there,if followed the steps here gulp only generated html\demo13\dist\assets, all .HTML file and "src" folder did not generated. i tried to google but cannot find anything....
in Recent update metronic 8.1.1 for dark theme when i run commandgulp --dark-mode after run this command i did not get output like plugins.dark.css and style.dark.css so this command removed or what happened ?
I have downloaded demo5, do I still have to do all the yarn / gulp stuff explained in the documentation? I opened index.html in demo5/dist folder and every thing seems ok.
Hello. Support team.I have bought metronic latest version.I want to run in dark mode html version.But actually I am new in this part.Could you please help me with that?Regards.
Am trying to add two different sub Headers to the same page one with bread crumbs and the action bar one but its not working , how i can make it work
I'm following this tutorial --> I run "gulp --localhost" I can see .html files, but if I want to see any php file, it will be download ( not show ) and it's shows "Listing directory".This is my url --> http://localhost:8080/project/What am...
I do get the following error when running gulp --demo1 :/wallet-frontend/tools/gulpfile.js:1 import { cleanTask } from "./gulp/clean.js"; ^^^^^^ SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a moduleat wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:979:16) at Module._compile (internal/modules...
While building demo 2 with gulpError if jsMinify set to true "PluginError [SyntaxError]: Unterminated string constant"
Hi Team,I am trying to setup webpack for my HTML (demo8), when I try to run gulp localhost, it throws SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module . tester@DESKTOP-AMFSOCN:~/bb/metronic/base/frontend/tools$ npm run build --demo8> metronic@8.0.38 b...
Hi,ScreenShot: I use dark theme, some elements aren't change to white(light) color.Have any solve? Thanks.
The instructions aren't entirely specific on where exactly one should be when entering the commands inside the terminal. Preliminarily, there is no `tools` directory inside the `react` folder so there I cannot even try to follow the instructions. From `html/tools` which I decided to try instead...
This is for your information, hopefully it may be of help to others.I have followed the instructions given in your video Your First Project - Metronic 8 Admin Template , using the demo21 template. When it comes to add the asset folder to the project fo...
I have followed the steps of the goood template installation guide with laravel, but I have little experience in applying the templates with that frienware, could you help me with a series of more detailed steps please
The current post build file structure is a mess and is a chore to cleanup afterwards. Note that I am referencing the behavior of a built demo1 of html variant v8.0.36.The following problems creep up in the file structure:- The actual styles.bundle gets created in the theme root alongside the f...
Is there a good way?Or is there a way to paste the demo 1 version and use it?
I am using metronic_v8.0.34 HTML and when running gulp -demo8 only the plugins are being deployed to the assets folder. The other css, js and media folders are not being deployed.Can I please get some help with this? I am new to Metronic and am excited to make it work. Thank you.gulp...