Just started working with demo13 and I was wondering how to generate a different color for the header and the aside menu (and logo section) for dark and light themes? The generated style.bundle.css file only generates one style object for the header and aside menu. How can I make it generate separate ones for light and dark themes? How and which file do I need to update?
In order to customize the layout and component colors you will need to edit SASS variables for the layout in src/sass/layout/_variables.scss
In the above file you can refer to the bg color of header and sidebar panel and apply your own colors.
Then you will need to recompile the SASS changes into CSS by referring to the Gulp build tasks.
Please note that the NPM/Gulp tools are used for your local development in order to customize the theme CSS source while you don't need to do the same in your hosting environment. For the hosting environment, you can use the assets folder(css/js).
Thank you! Not used to SAAS but it's nice learning something new.
Hi ,
That's great. All the best with your projects!