I am looking for to create new pages and the doc doesn't explain this point.
All pages are created in the /dist/ file after running gulp
command. Now where do I create my own pages? Directly in /dist/?
These pages contain between 15K and 30K lines. This does not seem to me to be the right solution...
Is there a way to add pages directly in /src/ and compile them automatically in /dist/?
I really feel like I'm missing something...
Please note that the Metronic HTML version comes as an HTML template collection and the HTML templates in real projects are used with a server-side language to generate real pages connected to a database.
Our compiler only compiles the assets and usually, HTML is not compiled.
In your case you can use the layout builder to export the HTML layout with partials, include it into your server-side code, and generate your pages, and page contents can be filled with any component from the HTML version. To get started with Metronic you can refer to Quick Setup guide and watch the video tutorials here.
Sorry but that's not clear.
I want to create a complete new interface based on your components.
Where should I create my own pages? The layout-builder is not suitable because I have to create a custom interface (90% of the interface will be modified).
I want to rearrange everything.
What do users do if they want to hide 1/3 of the components on your homepage?
I read all the doc and watched your videos on youtube, I can't find any clear answer.
You can create new html templates under the dist folder and reuse index.html and create your own page. The content you can fill with components referring to the existing HTML templates and also the online docs.