Hi Brother,We Use v8.1.1 Contents in Metronic Demo 7 Package,I Add Dropdown Menu With Columndefs In DataTablesNo matter how many times I tried, I couldn't run the menu, but when I click on it, the content does not open.Please can you help me ?I fill table contents with dataBut no matte...
Hi, I am trying to create a fixed header datatable inside a card. All the js and css files from `gulp` is getting compiled to css and js of my project. But table is not getting fixed header in my page. Can you help me with that?
I'm trying to add custom data to widget list.What is the proper way to do this?I've tried to generate custom "timeline-item" and just push it to DOM like innerHtml, but css fails, it doesn't serve my pushed items.I believe I need to do this other way, maybe using something to generate "timel...
How to update this server side https://github.com/mcintyre321/mvc.jquery.datatablesJquery datatable to KtDataTable in asp.net mvc?HTML KTDatatable metronic v8
Hi, when I type something in the search field and get the message 'No data found', then I delete what I typing, the Customers list is returned, and when I click on the action button, it transferred to the Dashboard page.You can reproduced this problem on this page:https://preview.keenthemes.com/...
Hi KeenThemes Team,I am reaching out to report an issue with our recent changes to the CRUD module. Despite making changes to the button icons and text, these updates are not reflecting in production after the production build.Specifically, we have updated the button styles, including changi...
Hi Team, Can you suggest me a solution to prevent these warns popping in the console even if I don't use the "OnItemsselect" prop for data tables?Vue warn]: Property "prop" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.
Hi,How can send data to server as post with Yajra in laravel .. because i try send data form to server using post it's show me issue and server not receiving data form .. when using get it is work..Can please help and show me an exampleregards M.Fakira
Sorry if there is an answer on the site.How can I send form data to my php file for processing?There are no problems with MySQL.The form will be verified with data, that’s good.
Dear team,please note that we facing an issue with metronic version 8 (.net core version) with datatablejs ajax server side example,the issue is the dropdownlist inside the datatablejs is not working at all and once we click on it it's not open or working at all (and it's working only on your...
After upgrading my project from version 8.2.0 to version 8.2.5, the responsible datatables do not work with the data-priority attribute, instead a horizontal scrollbar is generated in the table, and an plus icon (+) is positioned in at the beginning of every line.
i'm using metronic in laravel and i'm getting this error that is 'Uncaught TypeError: $(...).DataTable is not a function'after making everything exactly like yarja documentation like this is the data table
Hi,I am using striped table style and it works well with responsive table when applying as your demohttps://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/datatables/advanced#responsiveIn this, expand/collapse buttons seem like secondary background.I want to implement the same style f...
Hello, I am working on upgrading my project from Keen v2 to v3. In the new datatables implementation I cant seem to get the search / filter bar to render. There's no mention of it in the keen docs either but its been a datatables feature since v1. Using this on my layout pages:
Hi all, I have a problem with a dropdown menu in a data table. The problem is not limited to my app, it can be reproduced in this demo page: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo11/apps/user-management/users/list.html The problem shows up on an IPhone, but not on an Android smartph...
I've got a Datatable rendering via Ajax, and in columnDefs for the "Actions" column I am rendering an "Actions" button that should trigger the dropdown menu. This is the same example as the Datatables Ajax Server Side in the documentation https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/dat...
Hi, is there any video or documentation for migrating from metronic theme version 7 to version 8 I wondering if it is easy or I will change a lot of things and if I managed to change to another theme in the same metronic 7 I will just change the assets folder
Im begginer at laravel, and I cant figured out how to make a datatable with multiple datatables infoI made a new table called clientsI add a field called clientid to the users tableSo a client could have multiple users assignedThe datatable shows succesfully the clients table inf...