I'm trying to add custom data to widget list.
What is the proper way to do this?
I've tried to generate custom "timeline-item" and just push it to DOM like innerHtml, but css fails, it doesn't serve my pushed items.
I believe I need to do this other way, maybe using something to generate "timeline-item" or reload the widget data. I can see information about using the DATATABLE, but this is not a table.
<div class="card card-xl-stretch mb-xl-8">
<div class="card-header align-items-center border-0 mt-4">
<h3 class="card-title align-items-start flex-column">
<span class="fw-bolder mb-2 text-dark">Activities</span>
<div class="card-body pt-5">
<div class="timeline-label">
<div class="timeline-item">
<div class="timeline-label fw-bolder text-gray-800 fs-6">08:42</div>
<div class="timeline-badge">
<i class="fa fa-genderless text-warning fs-1"></i>
<div class="fw-mormal timeline-content text-muted ps-3">Outlines keep you honest. And keep structure</div>
Question is closed.
There was problem on my side, sorry
Noted, all the best with your projects