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Tag: Datatables (204)

When I click the action button at the end of the datatable, the popup window stays in the table. Normally it should go outside. this only happens on mobile. I am using iphone 7 plus. I am using metronic vue latest version.
when the item Per Page 10 the dropdown actions open when I click onbut when I select item Per Page 25 the dropdown actions not open after the item 10 from 11 to etc its not open .MetronicVue demo 8 version 8.1.6node v18.14.1npm 9.6.0
Hello,I coudn't find JS file example or documentation page about implementing Metronics pagination for use in Datatable. I tried to add metronic classes to list item manually via JS which has all adjustments for DT data. I want to use which listed in yo...
Hello,Is there a restriction for using tooltips in DataTables? I was testing random json data file with custom JS file which is custom.js. HTML rendered symbol for tooltips as needed but when I hover on blue symbols with first capital letters of name and surname tooltips not Here is link for y...
Tried adding edit function instead of view on ceres customers listing. Still new programmer but decided to do the same technique as delete button but cannot work. Tried other ways also and followed some examples but still coming out empty handed. Need to click the action button and then pass data fr...
Hi Brother,We Use v8.1.1 Contents in Metronic Demo 7 Package,I Add Dropdown Menu With Columndefs In DataTablesNo matter how many times I tried, I couldn't run the menu, but when I click on it, the content does not open.Please can you help me ?I fill table contents with dataBut no matte... can i use the data table here in mvc project. what files do i need to add to the project and how to edit the javascript code
hi, I am using id="kt_ecommerce_report_customer_orders_table" as table id. How can I use it as a responsive? This is how we normally use it. $('#example').DataTable( { responsive: true});
Hi, I am trying to create a fixed header datatable inside a card. All the js and css files from `gulp` is getting compiled to css and js of my project. But table is not getting fixed header in my page. Can you help me with that?
When I have table with Pagination and the rows have numbers like this:1 ---------2 ---------3 ---------So, when I go to the second page by Pagination the rows start from:1 ---------but it must start from:4 ---------How can I solve this bug?MetronicVue demo 8 version 8.1.6no...
Hi,How can you integrate metronic into my existing web app (hosted on a server). The web app use PHP (Laravel) as backend? Is there a tutorial I can read or watch, please?Also, and please excuse my limited knowledge as I am new to programming, can I only use metronic Laravel demo or any?Mu...
I have added two datatables to one page and they show up fine, they sort fine ... but the search of the first one works but not the second one. Each table works fine if its the only table on the page, but not when together.I have them functions:var KTDatablesList = function ()var KTDatable...
Hi,In want to sort data by a default column and prevent user from changing it. That means, NO column in my table is sortable .Please try it on your examplehttps://preview.keenthemes....
I am unable to find an example of how to use table which loads data from serverside using react. I can see examples using HTML , but i need a react based example
hi, there's a problem, I've been trying a lot, but I don't understand why. a connection has been established with the api the data is coming successfully, but the data is coming after clicking on the menu 2 times. the sample video is included in the October
Hi,I am using striped table style and it works well with responsive table when applying as your demo this, expand/collapse buttons seem like secondary background.I want to implement the same style f...
You have an example of sub Datatable in the below link, this sub Datatable is rendered from the existing html and there is NO HEADER.I implemented a nested Datatable WITH HEADER based on your approach and got...
Hello,I'm using DataTable server-side, but I have a problem like this, because the search, which is used as a standard, is removed, my search part does not work and it causes a big problem.
I used the log/audit page example to create a new page and the datatable shows up fine, but I can not get the export buttons to show.public function html(): HtmlBuilder { return $this->builder() ->setTableId('users-table') ->columns($this->...
Hi, feature on this page is not working :(Can you help me please.Thans so much.
Hi sir,I am using the theme metronic html version metronic_html_v8.1.7,demo23intlTelInput notworking with country code how it is fix