i have purchased Metronic but i have an issue with version 8 , paging first and last links css
style not affected .
when i make some debugging i did not found the style in style.bundle.css Or datatables.bundle.css
plz help me as soon as
I am having the same problem. How can I set the datatables pagingType to "full_numbers"? I tried adding it to /assets/js/custom/apps/user-management/users/list/table.js, but it is not working
I can modify everything else in the datatables so far, except for pagingType. I tried looking at the /assets/plugins/custom/datatables/datatables.bundle.js but I cannot find a way to make it work. Help please. Thank you.
Can you try to change it in the global Datatable init script src/js/vendors/plugins/datatables.init.js
and then rerun the gulp/webpack to recompile the assets js files globally.
mean that i m not able to do this with metronic 8
<<first <previous 123 >next last >>
i m working with this demo "https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo7/apps/ecommerce/customers/listing.html"
and i use it's paging plugin so i m not able to see first ,last , next , and previous links , despite of i m edit javascript code configuration and set
<< pagingType: "full_numbers" >>
i have make some serach in datatable.bundle.js and i found the solution
in line 15775
Glad to hear that. All the best with your project.
thanks , i have a small issue with exporting arabic letters from datatable
check the link
Are you referring to Datatable buttons extension here ? If yes, please check this forum discussion