I want to implement datatables.net drag and drop column functionality on Angular Metronic theme. But I am not able to get any workaround how to implement it here. Do you have any help for me. Thanks
Reference: https://datatables.net/extensions/responsive/examples/column-control/colreorder.html
Drag and drop column on Angular Metronic theme
I want to implement drag and drop into table columns. Do you have any help for me?
Have you tried Material D&D with the Material table?
Actually, here are a lot of examples on the Internet of how to implement it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOE1plnr8IA.
Keenthemes support
We don't use datatables.net for the Angular version, cause it's based on jQuery and can't help you with it.
We recommend you use https://material.angular.io/components/table/overview and combine it with material D&D feature.
Keenthemes support