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Tag: Bootstrap 5 (693)

Hi, I'm using Mertonic Vue and I changed things up a bit in this project using Pinia with it. If I want a model or drawer to be shown based on the Pinia store state or maybe update the store state when a modal or drawer is toggled, how will I do that? With regular javascript, I can simple use th...
Hi,Am i the only one not able to access ceres html pro components’ page (error 500 nginx) & documentation (file not found)Maybe i have the wrong link in the theme preview ?Thank you allClement
Hello,On my server ( I downloaded and deployed , the metronic 8 theme number 23. The ploblem is that the responsivity doesn't work,'Any suggestion?PS. I test with two type of smartphone ... and doesn't work!!ThankValerio Leonardis
I keep getting a javascript error when I try and run one of the demo themes."the.menuObject.on is not a function."I've downloaded the latest version of the bundle file. Please help.
Hi,I have a base metronic 8.1.5 laravel.I have added the option dark mode in settings // Layout 'layout' => array( 'main' => [ 'dark-mode-enabled' => true, ] ),Als have read the following page : https://preview.keentheme...
Hi Sean and TeamI'd like to change the color of the placeholder or mask used for inputMask.When I inspect element, I can't see anything in the DOM, so I'm struggling to find out which selectors to change with CSS.Is there a programmatic way to customise colors and feel? or is there a dat...
npm install sweetalert2 npm ERR! code ERESOLVEnpm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolvenpm ERR!npm ERR! While resolving: @angular-eslint/schematics@13.2.1npm ERR! Found: @angular/cli@14.0.0npm ERR! node_modules/@angular/clinpm ERR! dev @angular/cli@"14.0.0" from the root projectnpm ERR!...
i need to use id navigation to go from navbar to specific section in my home page so i put in my anchor in navbar href="#about"and in my section id="about"but, the page refresh and didn`t go to the sectionplease support
Hi,Do you have or can create icons for vehicles category? I am looking for icons like scooter, car, truck, trailer etc.
t works fine, but I have OCD :)in ./src/App.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=7ba5bd90&lang=scssModule Warning (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):Deprecation $weight: Passing a number without unit % (100) is deprecated.To preserve current behavior: $weight * 1%More i...
Dear support!I am using Metronic 8.1.5 HTML theme and I would like to known if this version has the functionalities KTApp.blockPage, KTApp.unblockPage, KTApp.block and KTApp.unblock. If not, which is the equivalent for:KTApp.blockPage({ overlayColor: '#000000', state: 'primary', messag...
We purchased Metronic Admin Theme from Themeforest, downloaded the zip-package and looking for the "theme" folder mentioned in the documentation.> Download the latest theme source from the Marketplace.> Download and install Node.js from Nodejs. The suggested version to install is 16.x LTS.>...
I use plupload to big size file upload. When I add plupload styles & scripts, its not working. No error showing console. Unable to upload anything. I user metronic demo 1, default assets, don't change the build. here is my js screenshot: h...
I would like to modify multi-steps-sign-up.html each account type takes to deferent sign up page can someone modify the JS file to me which is create-account.js Thanks
How i can save status of aside menu navegation between pages ?Whenever you change the page it comes backUtilities > Modals > General
Hi,I've sent a support email from the email address that is linked to this acccount.The reason that I am making this post is because I got an automated reply stating that you guys may not see it or something. I also want to make sure you see it as for example, I contacted Bootstrap themes like...
Ruby on rails support still not out?It was supposed to come out two weeks ago normally we're still waiting
There are some issues on styling on Demo 13 such as rounded corners.