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Tag: Bootstrap 5 (692)

How can I use bootstrap 5 features. For example I want to use table-bordered class but it is not working. node_modules exist.
HelloAre there any examples of accordion opening from left to right or collapsing from left to right or horizontal cart opening from left to right?Thanks for your help.Good day
Hi , How can i remove light Theme & use only Dark?
select2 Search is not working. Can you help me? Option 1 Option 2It doesn't work even though I loaded the requirem...
how to make custom input in select2 with metronic themes config?
hello, I downloaded metronic v8.1.6, but how do I run the date table export? I try to export but it is like the demo does not export anything And I don't need that last version view can anyone help me or the future not work in V8 thank you
How do I disable dark mode and keep the site on light mode permanently? I can remove the switcher button but I can't find where to permanently replace the dark or system theme to light only.
HiWe use datatables extensively, and with Metronic 8, the default search/filter box is seperate from the datatable.When SaveState = True is set, how can the original search term be retained in the filter input field ?
I am using a below template Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1after upgrading to bootstrap version 5.2.3 and jquery version 3.6.0 design is got distorted also i have upgrading select2 version 4.0.13 modal popup is not working
Removing element/s from BootStrap modal using ".remove", ".empty" or $("element").innerHTML = "", causes the modal to close automatically is there a fix?to reproduce ...
Hiim trying to use KTBlockUI in angular demo, I executed this code but it gives me an error which the liberary is not defined?var target = document.querySelector('#blockme');var blockUI = new KTBlockUI(target);blockUI.block();
The documentation for HTML Metronic 8 shows a Stepper for forms, but I can't seem to use that Stepper in the React version. I assume there is a component for the Stepper in the React version, but I cannot see that in the documentation. How do I use the HTML Stepper or a Stepper component in the Reac...
I want to add tooltip on the sidebar menu. How can I add the tooltip. Can you please help me in enabling the functionality of adding tooltip.
Hello,I am using Datatable.js plugin to display my database datas.I would like to include a dropdown (data-kt-menu-trigger) in the rendering of my table (Ajax) to call some actions instead of displaying buttons... but the dropdown refuses to open.How can I open my dropdowns after an "app...
HiI have an issue when using CKEditor 5 inside a modal - in that the link URL field doesn't get focus, so I can't type in the link.I've read issues online but cannot seem to resolve.Assistance would be great ! :-)
We are currently developing an internal web application on Visual Studio 2022 using an Asp.Net 6 Project with Razor Pages and Bootstrap 5.1.The team is considering using your “Start – React Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Theme” to embellish the site.Would it be compatible?Do you have other clie...
GreetingsI would like to know how can I buy and transfer a license. I have a client and I'm using metronic to build their project. I have my own to use it, but I need to buy one more, to transfer to them so they can use it at will, so if they register anywhere with metronic you guys know the cli...
hi,do you have any vue component where tiny slider ( is used? i tried to follow the documentation, but couldn't make it work.
Hello, I really like your very beautiful Bootstrap plain HTML Admin Templates. I have two questions:1. I see lot of examples and components/widgets, but I did not find a widget with a map. I will need a leaflet map showing markers, tooltips and popups. Is there any examples of integrating...
Hi, I'm using Mertonic Vue and I changed things up a bit in this project using Pinia with it. If I want a model or drawer to be shown based on the Pinia store state or maybe update the store state when a modal or drawer is toggled, how will I do that? With regular javascript, I can simple use th...