Hello in the ASP Core version, regardless of which plugins are used, almost all JS is loaded in EVERY ASP MVC view
Can you please only load the Dependencies via dynamics
JS, so only those view/page dependency items are loaded. Or, at least give us an option to reduced the load weight on the page
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Hello Sean, I was researching how to make Metronic faster, and found ASP core Isolation, which is 10x faster, let me know if you need more links.
Also, can you share when the update for ASP Core UI pages will be added, these are free and readily available code pages given by ASP/MS for free.
Yes, style isolation is a great approach, but right now most of our styles are required on all views and must be loaded globally.
If you mean Razor Pages then in our current ASP.NET project we will not be additing them since our current version is ASP.NET Core MVC project so all of the views are rendered on the server. See ASP.NET Core MVC project description in official doc.
If you want to enable a Razor Pages in your project you can check instruction in official doc.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
This is very helpful and well thought out, is there a page or table that describes which pages have which dependency on js/css libs
Also please allow PDF printing of ASP documentation to read on kindle or sony,
You can check the plugins references in the documentation to learn which css/js to include. Using KTTheme API to include any plugin globally or on required pages by just passing the vendor name.
Noted, we will consider the PDF version of our docs.
The global features(core components and plugins) are loaded on all pages since those features can be used in any page block. However, you can load individual CSS/js assets pages using the KTTheme API.
Also, you can reduce the global bundle size by removing unused features by referring to this guide.