Hello, many times its a very trial and error process to get the CSS correct when creating the Forms, since Metronic has its custom forms & CSS.
I would request, please add a couple of pages of help on how to apply the CSS, in the correct order for which containers, & how to create grouped areas inside the Forms/submission areas.
Lastly can you please explain which order and css nesting for Metronic Form-Groups
should be followed/applied.
Could you please clarify your question? The global form-related CSS is bundled in the style.bundle.css
and included globally in the master View for all pages.
By running our Asp.Net Starter Kit from Metronic Downloads you can use any feature you seen in the HTML version of Metronic and Metronic Docs.
More info on how to use our Asp.Net core Starter Kit you can find here.
Hello let me explain.
Often the developers are using your KT theme parts/cards etc. inside or in combination with forms to post data.
But when create a new page layout and then I try to apply/customize the layout using your CSS, the page renders very funky/errored.
Its because we often
don"t know which CSS should be the highest level, and which one should I put inside that to make the form or form groups correct inside a card
how to organize/ structure the CSS order & application from page level to components as we build our own layouts using your components
tool would cut down support responses as well. Including some basic on how to easily switch out themes and updates
Metronic uses its global css bundle to include all core components/plugins in the right order for all pages so you do not need to worry about CSS code loading.
Metronic also has custom vendors that can be included in pages on demand. For more on this you can check the documentation here