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Tag: React (835)

We needed to make CSS changes to our Metronic theme, so we modified the assets/style.css file. However, we encountered errors and noticed that other components were also affected. Could you please outline the correct process for changing the CSS and typography in the master CSS file to reflect the w...
npm install >>(node:43904) ExperimentalWarning: Support for loading ES Module in require() is an experimental feature and might change at any time(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)up to date, audited 371 packages in 3s134 packages are looking for fu...
I have just bought Metronic license recently.Metronic 8 has chat apps (private chat, group chat etc.). But so far I have failed to find equivalent of those for Metronic 9. I am using next.js + tailwind, so I only focus on Metronic 9. I would really appreciate any guidance on this subject.
i want to use coming soon component in my react please provide if any coming soon component is available in react metronic
Hi, can i have the demo 38 in react please or can you give me some astuces to make it in react please ?
Class react-select-styled can't be use in Metronic 8.2.0. Can you help on implementing this currently it is causing the list option unable to bee see when in dark mode. How to fix this?
Hello, we are using Metronic React theme in our project and I wanted to know if there is a guide to customize the whole bootstrap theme. I understand that we can override sass variables like "$primary" in - /src/_metronic/assets/sass/components/_variables.custom.scssBut where can I include funct...
May I Know Why the Form Range is Not Filled with color like default before of range ? if i need to fill that how can i do that
I have completed all the steps provided in react integration guide 1 Creating Project2 Integrate Styles3 Setup Static Files 4 in Integrate Core a Initialize global typescript componentsb Disable Strict Modeafter all these steps when i hit npm run dev i am gettin...
I was patiently waiting for metronic to release on next, meanwhile i decided to code some pages in a simple react app. Fast forward to today;I was trying to move my application, so I did setup metronic with next.js following the given commands on the guide and I got this error:
Hi Developers!Here I am using Metronic 8 React Version build on Vite.I am facing issue in build running locally running index.html file using live server.Its working Fine with npm run dev, npm run build, npm run preview.but when I running build locally its giving these Errors.http://12...
Hi,I want to create a form with interactions similar to those in Metronic 8 demo 39 catalog: link I'm using Metronic 8 with React and need to integrate a form that includes features like multiple imag...
Hello, i recived this mail "Metronic 9 Tailwind React Arrived - Enterprise ready React App with 20+ generic React components, 10 unique demos, 100+ fully designed pages, 1000+ UI elements.", and i want to make a new React + Vite project. Could you give me the step by step process to initialize a...
Is there a toast component in version 9.1.1 typescript demo1 ?I can't find it.
Hello, are you planning to release Laravel integration but with React Inertia? I am now trying Inertia v2 with React and love to integrate Metronic 9 into my administration. Thanks!
I noticed that Metronic 9 now, available in react demo, but I'm unable to download.Actualy, I want to download demo 8.please guide me.Thanks
Everything is running in development mode. But after building it shows black screen , no errors nothing. How can i resolve this?
Hey Metronic Community!We're thrilled to announce the Beta Testing phase for our upcoming Metronic 9 Tailwind React + Base UI version!This is your chance to get an exclusive first look at the latest evolution of the Metronic 9 React Toolkit and help shape its future.
Hello,I would like to know when the other react demos for version 9 will be available, currently there is only demo1 available.Thank you
Hii, I am having this theme but I am not able to find Ecom template (React + Tailwind)