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Tag: PHP (446)

Hi, I am trying to create a static logo/menu for my app but cant seem to get it to work. I am editing the header top file and all i want to do is stop it from swapping between a mobile header and a normal one. I only have a small logo and 1 button but for the life of me, i cannot get it to s...
Hi,I would need support on an issue regarding menu configuration files.In the 'config/global' folder is the menu.php file where clearly the array for rendering the actual menu is to be configured, I would need to make the names of the various menu items translatable e.g. 'Products', 'Customers...
Hello,i created a form, which gives input depends on the answer. If the user use radiobutton 1 then comes a other input than if he would use radiobutton 2.How can i validate the anwers the user choice and dont validate the input from the other radiobutton.Thanks!System: HTML
Hello,I'm having issues with the select2 class.Here's the situation:When I click a button, a modal opens and form data is printed here via ajax from another php page. The style of the objects within the form disappears. Can you help me solve this problem?
Hi team,How to change css and js in metronic theme from ftp and cpanel, And also if we use two data tables on a same page so the one data table is working and the other one is not working, this is all over the theme while we are using same elements more than one time on a single page
I actually need a Laravel 10 version with JetStream and Inertia (VueJS) or with Laravel/ui + Blade
The design is not responsive, it becomes responsive by minimizing it in the browser, but it is not responsive on mobile or mobile view preview. Can you help me?
Hirecently i've purchased Metronic theme from themeforest , i wanted to use the file manager but i find there is a compressed js file for file manager list i can't udnerstand it , but i see its using KTFileManagerList , so i've googled KTFileManagerList and there is no such thing !how i can...
Is it possible to delete the theme mode so that unnecessary css and js are not loaded?
My team leader just buy Product Version: 8.1.7 for laravel but after I implemented, I cant found all asset files needed for every widget I want to use, as I remember in old version there is vendors.bundle.js that covered all widget, is it changed or else ?
Hi I am interested in using Demo 16 as a layout for a laravel project. Is there any way to download the starterkit or will I have to change the individual files from the demo 1 starterkit?
Hi, I have an admin area setup with Metronic8 and everything is working great. I'm after some help with Graphs. I have set up an area where I record people's race times. I want to be able to display these times in a graph to show how they have improved over a period of time but im struggling..., i used the template in CodeIgniter 4 (PHP), how can I add the AutoFocus plugin for FormValidation?Already tried: your re...
HiWhen try to login with demo@demo.comI get the following errorfile_get_contents(/home/thealche/travel_data_app/public/icons.json): Failed to open stream: No such file or directoryThanksHeshan
Hello all, i would like to use Fullcalendar resource to implement a planning on my app. There not an example in Metronic documentation. So i wana to now how to implement that in Metronic ?
Hi there, I have just downloaded and setup Metronic Laravel app variant with Demo1.Followed the quick start guide for starterkit.However, there seems to be missing pages on the sidebar as compared to the preview version that had loads of pages and options to utilize. I am currently loo...
hi,we want switch from old laravel version to srarterkit, but have some issue:1 - config file of settings have conflict with other package like spatie/laravel-settings or anlutro/l4-settings, please change config name2 - can't find menu builder class. and menu hard-code in /resources/vie...
Hello, I have installed Laravel Demo 1 as i noticed the Laravel pack only has demo 1-9. But what i really want is the demo 14, can you guide me on how to go about creating the Demo 14 layout using the HTML partials from the layout builder.
Hello,I'm using DataTable server-side, but I have a problem like this, because the search, which is used as a standard, is removed, my search part does not work and it causes a big problem.
Hello, I have the version of metronic 8.1.2 and I want to update it to the most recent one, how can I update the packages without damaging the views that I have created with version 8.1.2
Hello,i need to validate the email adress in Regristration Stepper live from my database to check, if the user already has an account. Can i submit the form and check via Ajax and if the response is false i directly jump to Step 2 to change the email adress?Im coding in HTML, Javascript and PH...
Hi sir,I am using the theme metronic html version metronic_html_v8.1.7,demo23intlTelInput notworking with country code how it is fix