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Tag: PHP (446)

Hola, muy buenas!Estoy intentando desplegar mi proyecto con Laravel + Metronic a un servidor de producción pero cuando cargo cualquier pantalla me salta el siguiente error:"InvalidArgumentExceptionView [layout._system] not found."En mi proyecto local funciona sin problema, ¿qué puede e...
Hi all, I have a page with a datatable on that is grouped. Im struggling to enable the search and export facility that is on a datatable. It can be done as per the link here code i am using is from t...
Hello, I've just bought Metronic for my Symfony 6 project. I'd like to integrate Metronic using Webpack Encore with the `npm run build' command. However, in your Symfony example version, you load the CSS and JS files with a PHP script called 'ThemeHelper'.I've tried importing only the 'assets' f...
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'init') at Object.init (scripts.bundle.js:1:41) at scripts.bundle.js:1:348
Im beginner to metronic and I have trauble to find how metronic store data?. I cant find php file to connect with mysql, so there is some different way to do that? where I can find documentation how to connect with database? thank you.
Hey, I have a Vuejs projectbut i need to install html assets of demo 10Are the assets the same for every demo??Can i Use the assets from VUE demo in ts to use in VUEJS js?if Yes, how can I install them?OR jest get the assets from demo
Hello,I have a project with Laravel Api Backend and Vuejs frontend.for the assets, I have used demo 23 demos23/src for my frontend.While trying to build my project in vuejs npm run build i have issues with KTUtil is undefined
I am using Metronic 8.2.0 and the sign-up template from demo25 (fancy one).I want to sent the input data from email and password to my php file where it’s getting checked with the database if email already exists or not. If yes the user should get a modal that he must choose another. If okay the...
When Trying to install starter kit of Metronic laravel theme i am getting following error:TypeError: object null is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator)) at C:\Users\Kashif\Downloads\themeforest-Y9tF6thq-metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template\laravel\laravel_demo1...
Hi Faizal,Thanks for your Time and great Support. After installing Metronic Laravel v8.2.0 (Absolutly clean, like in the Description) all looks very good and the DB run with all tables.The ENV-File is ok i use: -copy .env.example .env - and i dont set a PWDeveloper Tools:login:293 GE...
Hallo Team,thanks a lot for the very fast Update, the compiling looks good but the Demo-Content (Login and Signin) is still not working on my Xampp-Localhost on Windows.In the older Versions (before v8.1.9) it works great from the beginning.Actually I get no error-messages (like invalid...
I am using this documentation as a sample reference -> datatables is loading continuously without showing results. I suspect I wrongly code the followings in datatables.php:public function getJsonDecode(): mix...
Why do you provide a Laravel starterkit that is not working without any fixes applied?Most of the assets directory's are wrong, als other fixes needs to be applied before i even can test it locally.Where is the GITHUB repo where every Laravel developer can push there fixes and ask dedicated qu...
Good evening.I would like to use HTML only with PHP. What do you recommend?Thank you
Hello.I am using Metronic theme html demo 53 and AngularJS (1.6.9) for my project.I am trying to set select2 as an option along with AngularJS but to no avail.If I set
Hi,The problem i have in my Symfony 6 project happens when my routes have more than one "/" like so :#[Route('/user/{id}', name: 'edit_user')]This prevents any of my assets from loading correctly. I got a vague understanding of how Metronic loads these in my pages by checking...
Hi,I'm facing an issue with FormValidation plugin that is solved in one of their updates. However the version used by KeenThemes plugin.bundle is an old version from 2020 (v1.10) of formvalidation. Is it possible to update ou replace the version used in plugin bundle by the latest version of...
Hi!I´m new with React, but I was able to create my own php API to connect to MySql and fetch data from the database and also made the login page work.The thing is, I don´t know why when trying to display, for example, the currentUser?.first_name it returns undefined.export functio...
received a list of js errors:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'defaults') at 66565 (plugins.bundle.6c2a0ad5.js:2:558049) at o (runtime.6c30001d.js:1:143) at plugins.bundle.6c2a0ad5.js:2:2363029 at o.O (runtime.6c30001d.js:1:494) at plugins...
I am using landing page in demo55, and could you enlighten me how to change the background color 'How it works', 'Our great team' and 'What our client say' section in landing page to something else?(unable to put in an image here)
Hi there,i am using Dropzone + PHP to upload the files and success, but how can i show my files already stored and remove/add on my editable page?Question:1: how to init. the Dropzone by using the uploaded files?2: how to trigger the delete file to let server end know which of file i want...
hello, I found a link while trying to buy the metronic theme and I saw that they gave the files for free on this link. i think this is illegal can the moderators help me on this issue?domain ex: metronic.tks.******