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Tag: Metronic (1397)

Hello, i was thinking of buying your Metronic Admin Theme to build a new CRM system for my company. I want to install it on our company server. How difficult it was to install and manage the same for a beginner web designer? Is it possible to have multiple email accounts for a single user? Do you re...
data-kt-menu-trigger="{default: 'click', lg: 'hover'}" not working on iphonelink below is a sample videoLink
I have downloaded the ASP.NET Core project. On the index page I have this code and the datatable is not working. Thank you for your help.@{ ViewData["Title"] = "Dashboard"; KTTheme.addVendor("datatables");} ...
I did all the steps but it can't run flask:(venv) (base) PS C:\Users\ivanb\PycharmProjects\starterkit> set (base) PS C:\Users\ivanb\PycharmProjects\starterkit> flask runFatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\wamp64\www\kt-serverside\flask\sta...
Hi Keenthemes,In Our Project we get rid of all icons, we used instead SVG icons, in all our application, there's no font icons, like (Boostrap icons, Font awesome icons, Line Awesome icons), but just SVG ones.1 - can you use SVG icons instead of (Boostrap icons, Font awesome icons, Line Awes...
Hi, I wanted to know when you are going to add the integration with tailwind instead of bootstrap.
Hello I am trying to configure vue 3 with typescript support in laravel along with vite. Kindly Help.i've recently created a new laravel 9 project with keenthemes files but i am unable to successfully configure vite with it. Help!Best Regards,Junaid
I'm using Metronic 8 React Version. I want to change the primary color of the application. Tried doing it by overiding and setting the ($primary) variable in '_variables.custom.scss' file. Presently, its a purple shade (#7239ea), would like to change it to blue (#304294). The color is not changing....
npm ERR! While resolving: demo8@8.1.5npm ERR! Found: @popperjs/core@2.11.5npm ERR! node_modules/@popperjs/corenpm ERR! @popperjs/core@"2.11.5" from the root projectnpm ERR!npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:npm ERR! peer @popperjs/core@"^2.11.6" from bootstrap@5.2.2npm ERR! node_mod...
Hello,I'm searching for someone who can design a customized card using Metronic demo 18.#paidTask
Hello.If I buy Metronic for $49, I will have the rights as you say in the License Terms?If not, how do I get that license?About All-in LicenseAll-in license grants you the use of the Item in unlimited End Products.You CanCreate unlimited End ProductsUse in End Products with paying...
I have purchased the Metronic | Bootstrap HTML, VueJS, React, Angular, Asp.Net, Django & Laravel Admin Dashboard Theme product from themeforest and the demos are missing most of the dashboards, pages and components that are shown in
Bootstrap tooltip ,overlaytrigger are broken in Metronic v8, is showing at the end of the page (bottom left), this behavior is sometimes when you hover the container. What I use after redering any data in the container(modal, div, etc) is initialize it with: $(function () { $(contai...
I Purchased this theme from - "Envato "my Purchase codes : 1281048f-b32b-4cda-8653-f55b8d6ae64dI need the CSS file for the theme RTL option
Hello,I am a french beginner developer and I have purchase a metronic license.For a project, I really need to use vite js, react js and metronic 8.I am aware that you have not integrated react with metronic 8, but now I am really lost and inexperienced...I have been trying for 1 week n...
Hi Sean and teamAfter adding Password visibility per:'ve copy paste to ensure it's per the examples)I'm getting errors that trace back to this part of the code:scripts.bundle.js:2805 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot r...
Hi keenthemes;You have to be carefull what you put out there...The assets folder that come by default with "8.1.5" is not the same persay witht the one that we compile with webpack.and I've been hasstling for days to to just figure it out.When I put my compiled "8.1.5" assets folder...
HiDo you have a working example of the NouiSlider for React?In the demo1 code I don't see it something like this: for ReactJSthank you!
Hi,while login the url is blocked, can yu suggest me how to fix this
Hi I Purchased the Metronic 8 react package and before I went to checkout I double checked and I saw that this dashboard is compatible with AWS.Now I run this dashboard local host with no problems according to your instructions, but I can’t find any documentation about how to run this dashboard on...
I followed all the steps to implement keen themes on my blazer project but when I try to run it I get this message
Hi Keenthemes,I tried to insert image in CKEditor but without luck. THe Modal to select the image shows up, but after click on Confirm, Nothing happend, the inside Editor is blank.Although I was able to insert it in TinyMCE and Quill.Tried also on your live documentation, the samething,...