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Tag: License (98)

Good night form Spain..i have a license of metronic and i like to download a new html file, but all files that i download i have error when i unzip, i use some diferents sotfware and i have same error.Error code 2thanks
I just purchased and downloaded the latest Medtronic 8 file from ThemeForest and now trying to run the laravel version of it, and it's not working, facing issues while "composer install" and "npm run dev".Issue Screenshots links
We want to use the theme in our multiple projects for multiple clients. Please you can confirm shall we proceed with the standard license or do we need any custom license
Hi,I want to create a website that has both free and subscription features. End users can use the website for free with limited features or pay for a monthly/yearly subscription plan to use it full-featured. Which license should I purchase to create this website?
Hello, I have 3 questions for you.1. Can I download the new version after 1 year when I make a purchase without the "Extend support to 12 months" option?2. It is enough for me to get a "Regular License" because I only bought it for use with one of my clients, but do I need to use an "Extended Li...
The L10n plugin is included in the FormValidation library compiled in the theme ?
We purchased Craft on Bootstrap themes. Do you have a react version?
Hello,the theme will be used for our SaaS app, there is no client, the app is used by the end user.what's the best license option for this case?FYI: we have three environments Dev + Test + production and 3 to 4 developers thank you
Hello, I would like a license clarification in the following scenarios:1) One End product on a fixed URL domain. SaaS schema, clients pay a license to have access.I understand I required one extended license, regardless of the number of clients.2) Same product, but now deployed On-Premi...
Hi I don't use Vue, React, or Laravel.. I'm using CI so I'm limited to the HTML pack only.The HTML version only contains static HTML pages and requires a large overhead to get the snippets required for build.$39 USD ($60 AUD) is high cost for static pages that I need to spend days / week...