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Tag: License (88)

I want to redirect the user to another page based on some condition. please suggest correct approach to do it.i amusing react demo 1 of metronic8
Hi, i want to toggle between dark and light theme on the button click on the toolbar.I am using react demo-1 metronic 8 template.
I actually have a few questions regarding licensing and purchasing of Metronic:1.) My company has a preferred purchasing process that requires vendors to give us quotes and then we purchase the product through resellers. We generally have to get special permission to purchase products directly....
3 questions : 1. If I were to purchase the metronic template from themeforest, I'm just curious on how will I be able to download all the templates that you guys provided.. Based on the previews, I noticed that you guys have more than 20 templates that are ready to be used...2. Just to doubl...
Hi, we are working on a product. we will sell it on-prem. In our product we will use admin tamplete to make admin page. The product is not like a website. It has very big background and we are just one to make it look pretty with your metronic template. Our clients will not make any changes about ou...
Hi,I already have Metronic 8, I purchased one copy for my client, and I already used that licence.Now I want to use my already developed application for another client. So now how I will purchase a licence and activate my already developed application.Or if I buy another copy from https://th...
I have entered the purchase code from themeforest and am unable to download Demo 18. Can you please send me the file, or provide another link?
I want to develop a CRM application for my client. I am planing to use your admin panel. The question is i need to develop the application on my local PC and then shift it to a shared hosting . how does the license work. is there a register / de-register feature. i hope your regular license has...
Hello everyone,I am planning to buy metronic theme as it fits my needs and requirements,But I am confused about the licensing.I want to create a note-taking web app and I will be using Metronic as its template.The user can access the landing page, sign in and take a x number of notes...
I just purchased and downloaded the latest Medtronic 8 file from ThemeForest and now trying to run the laravel version of it, and it's not working, facing issues while "composer install" and "npm run dev".Issue Screenshots links
I purchased metronics from themeforest. After making the build when I upload it to the server, it doesn’t open the login page instead keeps loading. Please fix this bug on priority.
Good MorningI purchased a license and would like to know how many domains I can use it on.In my case, I would use it in the development of an internal system, within the network, and an external system for my clients.
Hello,I'd like to use Metronic for the user-interface in a FOSS project of mine. The license terms state:> Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users> *are not* charged for.Due to the nature of Free Software, it is – however – not possible for me to exclude co...
Hello , I bought your theme few moments ago and after purchasing I realized the react demo is in Typscript format instead of normal Javascript . How can I get React Demos with JS instead of Ts , Please Help me I don't have time to learn TS .
i've downloaded metronics latest version 8.037 on themeforest, but the size only 679mb, why it only contain demo1? The previous version 8.035 got 3,1gb on its size.
If I purchase Metronic like regular license, can I get all kinds of the codes? HTML, Vue, React, ... etc.
Hi !I'm working with demo 1 template and the default account admin@demo.comI see that this account is link to Uwe Picker. I would like to add différents roles to this user for a specific need but i don't know where i can do that. I see that there is a roles property in the UserModel interface....
I have purchased the regular license of the metronic theme package and am currently experimenting with using your product for a Saas style web application. If things are successful and my development goes well I will of course purchase the extended licence before I deploy the application. My questio...
Good afternoon, I have the need to control the main board of the template, in which section is the controller of the dashboard "/"Where does it redirect to after login?What controller does it use, or how can I make it use one?Thanks
We are currently developing a web app using ABP commercial framework. ABP commercial comes with Leton themes by default.We would like to try out the Metronic themes for angular.Asks:a. Is there a trial/free version (limited controls/components) which we can evaluate on our application, before...
Hello Keenthemes,My name is Jorge Nogueira. I am a programmer and I work in an agency of the state government of Espirito Santo (Brazil). We would like to use Metronic in the development of our web applications.Our applications will always be accessed by the same domain (ex: *,