Hey team,I would like to use your template on our upcoming project, we are planning to build an academic portal. So students will be paying their registration fee via the website. Can we purchase the standard license and use our own Payment Gateway? and also I have a question can we extend our S...
Hi,I set auto width for both menu & sub menu in dropdown menu but it works on only menu, not sub menu.https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/menu/advanced#toggle-dropdown...
dear admin i am using the old version of the template , how can find which version i am using , and i have got issues with the dark mode i mean i cant switch to the dark mode, can you help me with that
i'am using metronic 8.2.3 demo 39when i click menu with attribute wire:navigatedropdown menu in sidebar and header such as notification, profile can't click or showhow can i fix it ?i have watch this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkDq2E6g0F0this is my sidebar :
I am having the following error:ReferenceError: axios is not definedI am running the demo1 from Metronic v8.2.3.I've tried call axios from browser console in the file demo1/authentication/layouts/creative/sign-in.html and have the same error.In the package.json the package i...
Hello Team,I have full-page laravel template and using only main page header.In main body, I am using card , but I want to keep card header sticky, so when user scrolls the page, they need to see main website header and below card header sticky, so that user can read all card body content al...
I am trying to use datatables at metronic 9 and i am getting the following error, i have been trying for 1 week and there is no way to use it. I am using Laravel 11 with vite, no front end frameworks.ReferenceError: KTDataTable is not defined at HTMLDocument. (users:372:31)
I designed my page from that template: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo2/apps/ecommerce/catalog/products.htmlOn this template I changed the DataTables pluging with ServerSide Method from this page:https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/general/datatables/server-sideTh...
I have a action menu in a datatable as in the demo, but i set the responsive to true. So when the actions menu is on responsive view on click dont show the menu.Im working with ajax server side and i use drawCallback : function(){ KTMenu.createInstances();and i try t...
Below is my html code and also javascript. The search box didt apear and when initialize, the script got error. May i know wat problem is this?Below is my javascript error, html code and javascriptImage : https://ibb.co/3MYNqZmMetronic Tailwind Document : https://keenthemes.com/metronic/...
Hello,I'm using FullCalendar js in metronic 8, and I have to make a resourceTimeGridDay as a view. When I add the initialView 'resourceTimeGridDay' and the headerToolbar: headerToolbar: { left: "prev,next today", center: "title", right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,resourceTimeGridD...
i am facing issue in my aside menu of metronic theme which is, i have menu which contains sub menu options like dropdown when i click arrow button open the dropdown it stucks and not open until i refresh the page, give me the solution of this issue code:import React, {useState} from 'react'i...
Hi there,There are errors in the html. Page not found errors.Steps to reproduce:1. download the zip from Envato2. Unzip the main zip file3. Within it, unzip this metronic-v9.1.2.zip4. Within the \metronic-v9.1.2\metronic-tailwind-html\dist\html\demo10\index.html5. Click on the Metr...
Hi Team,I have a couple of questions regarding Metronic v9:Is the Tailwind CSS Angular version of Metronic ready to use? If not, is there an estimated release date?If I already have a license for v8, do I need to purchase a new license to download and use v9?Thanks for your guidance!