I'm using FullCalendar js in metronic 8, and I have to make a resourceTimeGridDay as a view. When I add the initialView 'resourceTimeGridDay' and the headerToolbar:
headerToolbar: {
left: "prev,next today",
center: "title",
right: "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,resourceTimeGridDay"
It prints in the console:
viewType "resourceTimeGridDay" is not available. Please make sure you've loaded all neccessary plugins
Then I added the following to the declaration of full calendar in js file:
plugins: [
'resourceTimeGrid', // Make sure this plugin is included
This is causing another problem in fullcalendar.bundle.js line 5366:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
What to do and how to resolve this issue?
This is a premium feature of Fullcalendar which is not available in the free version of the Fullcalendar plugin. For more info please check the full calendar site and learn about it's premium version.
If you’re coding, prioritize speed, especially in areas like live betting or real-time gaming updates. Let me know if you need more specific advice or examples!
No, I'm not developing a real-time game update. All I need is how to implement vertical resources in the FullCalendar js library that is supported in Metronic 8, knowing that it's a premium feature in their documentation.
Please refer to this documentation to see the requirements:
I just need to know is it supported in Metronic 8 "Vertical Resources" or no