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Tag: Bootstrap 5 (693)

Hi we were curious when you might have typescript support for your core components?
I appreciate your amazing work on templates.Saw on landing usage of fs-6 fs-lg-4 , tried to use it myself expecting behavior like in all Bootstrap5 responsive items(cols, paddings, flex alignments, etc.) but it...
Good morning :) I would like to know if it is possible to detect the user's operating system theme and automatically apply (if applicable) the metronic dark theme.I say this to avoid putting together both metronic css styles and use:@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
How is it possible to switch from one demo theme to another demo theme?
Hello,I wanted my app to be jquery-free, avoiding importing all these big dependencies. I followed your guidelines : I found out by looking at dependencies docs that lots of js depende...
Hi, how can I get datepicker on Metronic - Bootstrap 5? I need to show year first then month then the day. daterangepicker does not have that option?Thank You.
PHP Warning: require(/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Hi, I have a button that is invoking data-kt-menu. All is working well based on example except:- calling menu button has dynamic text that is updated from subscription- button params: data-kt-menu-trigger="click" data-kt-menu-placement="bottom-start" - if Apply button ((click)="submit()" data-...
Hi,I try to use the sticky component for vue, but the sticky doesn't work after a route change. It will only work on a fresh page load.Please advice.Thank you
Dear Sir/Madam;I have bought Metronic theme via Envato Market on 13.09.2021. However my encato account is locked and I was informed that there is no way to reactive it. As I have my invoice and purchase code I am trying to downlad metronic however I got warning that something went wrong. Please he...
Hi good day how can we use kt-datatable component with axios in vuejs ? When we tried this its not updating the table datasetup() { const tableHeader = ref([ { key: "checkbox", sortable: false, }, { name: "Name", key: "Name", sortable: true, }, ]); let tableData =...
Does it come with the design system components set? I use Figma. Thank you
I have not seen in the documentation that there is anything about typeahead or autocomplete. Typeahead is standard option in bootstrap and it will bi nice if we have example of that.Can we get of example in the Metronic documentation?
I'm searching for the element for the Metronic 8 - Vue version.The Vue version has an option with search, but the example is not correct for me. You have to click first on the icon to open the search module.I wa...
hi, i just bought metronic through themeforest and when i downloaded it it only contained demo-1, how can i get all metronic versions. thank you for your answer.
I wanted ti change aside menu in demo18 with aside menu in demo4 both HTML changing
Hi, I have installed Metronic with React (demo1). How can I upgrade to version 8.0.37? If I copied the entire zip file I would overwrite files that I have edited (such as the files under the _metronic folder). Is there a way to update without those files being touched, or is there a way to make the...
Hi, is there a sample GOOD template that's using VueJS or NuxtJS? I'm having difficulty integrating it in my NuxtJS project.
I have three steps only, how can I move the submit button to the second step and the third step is similar to the last step?Link.