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Tag: Bootstrap 5 (693)

I am writing regarding the documentation here: "data-kt-menu-offset" does not work. An extract of my code using this is as belowPlease advise on the fix for this and let me know how to update the fix on my end....
Hi guys!Which library do I have to use to open the HTML exported by Layout Builder and generate just an HTML with the "compiled" partials?Oi pessoal! Qual biblioteca eu tenho que usar para abrir o HTML exportado pelo Layout Builder e gerar apenas um HTML com os partials "compilados"?...
When opening a drawer the common events are:kt.drawer.togglekt.drawer.showkt.drawer.shownkt.drawer.toggledBut if you open with an external toggle. Ther...
JS:)"use strict";const KTSupportModal = function (){ let modal, form, validator; const handle = function (){ validator = FormValidation.formValidation(form, { fields: { subject: { validators: { notEmpty: { message: 'The site name is require...
Hello, before buying metronic framework I need to know if it's possible to install it in a shared server where I don't have access to command prompt and run Linux commands.Thank you
Hello,I'd like to use Metronic for the user-interface in a FOSS project of mine. The license terms state:> Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users> *are not* charged for.Due to the nature of Free Software, it is – however – not possible for me to exclude co...
Hello I have already purchased your theme and want to add external js and Jquery in the theme but this is not working. Currently using Metronic Angular 8 version Demo1.Please advice us how can we add External Js/Jquery.Thanks
Does anyone have an AJAX Example on image-input for Avatars? As the documentation doesn't have any source code in the .js file
Hi,How do i set autowidth for datatables?I used autowidth: true in the configuration but it wont work.
I cannot find the support center designs in the figma file.( you please send the figma files!
Hi,Is there a fix for the position of the dropdown's data when using Select2 with multiple ?!
Guys, How can I find the 21 theme html in download folder ? or any enabled html theme?
Component Missing In Rect js (Demo1)Basically - we are looking for, All React js components should be the same as HTML design , however, cannot find most of them and only limited features/components in React js vs HTML 1:- We are not able to find Auth (Aside login,Registration,Forgot Passwor...
Hello,I purchased Metronic8 and used it well. Thank you.And, I have a question.I wnat modal in modal (Stackable model / 2 step)For example,Step1
When I add an ajax script to the page it's being overrode and still submitting the form with a refresh instead of loading my ajax script. Is there a basic ajax insert script for a form anywhere? Or at least as an example would someone be able to do it to the project settings page?
Hi guys, I want to buy a template, but I will use it in Angular framework, Does it prevent me from using it in Angular? On Angular, as we all know the TopeScript language, will it prevent me from using it inside?Would you recommend me to take a template to use in Angular ?I really want to buy it...
Hello,I didn't understand how to use REGEX validation on fields like email, phone, url, vat etc ...The code I use is the following 'email': { validators: { notEmpty: { message: 'e-mail richiesta!' }, regexp: { regexp: /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/, message: 'Indir...
Hi,what is the purpose of executing before each router call verify action?Metronic is expecting back user object with token. So my backend should check if user from authorization header exists then pass user with new token back?Regardsa
If I purchase Metronic like regular license, can I get all kinds of the codes? HTML, Vue, React, ... etc.