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Tag: Blazor (221)

I just downloaded v 8.2.9 of Metronic and I get this error when trying to run gulp:[14:24:17] Starting 'default'...[14:24:17] Starting 'cleanTask'...[14:24:17] Finished 'cleanTask' after 51 ms[14:24:17] Starting 'buildBundleTask'...[14:24:18] Finished 'buildBundleTask' after 202 ms[14:...
I downloaded the latest version of the Blazor demo (Demo 1) and followed the instructions found here: yarn install produces this:D:\Projects\Scholarky\Source-Previous\New\blazor_demo1\Star...
Hi, I have just purchased your theme and it looks great. I am following the instructions to set it up as part of a Blazor application. I can get the theme to show however there are some files which are returning 404. I have been over the instructions twice and I followed them all so not sure what is...
Hello dear Keen. I would like to know before buy the Medtronic template is it possible deploy it on ISS (blazor and React) .
Wondering where the dashboards and the remaining code are for the download for the blazor kit.When i open the project most of the areas are all empty and just have a header, when starting the project none of the links work.
Hi there, I'm using Metronic 8 for ASPN .NET Core. Icons work correctly on localhost but when I deploy it to a staging site I'm not able to see the icons. I see a white square instead. I've been researching about this issue but I found nothing about it.
HiI just bought Metronic theme and trying to run with Blazor as per given instructions but getting error as below while running "npm run build" command: Failed to load 'D:\Celestia\MetronicBlazor\Starterkit\_keenthemes\tools\webpack.config.js' config[webpack-cli] ReferenceError: require is...
Merhaba,Starterkit/Program.csusing System.Text.Unicode;builder.Services.AddWebEncoders(o => { o.TextEncoderSettings = new System.Text.Encodings.Web.TextEncoderSettings(UnicodeRanges.All);});Program.cs dosyasına ekledim. Ancak Türkçe karakter sorunu düzelmedi.Proj...
I'm using Metronic with syncfusion blazor and on the grid components of syncfusion, the scrollbars are being changed to be too small with Metronic and was wondering where or how could I change this
demo1/apps/customers/view.html sayfasında ki Payment Record kısmında ki sayfalama işlemini blazorda nasıl çalıştırabilrim. Çünkü sayfalama çalışmıyor.
Recently bought that product for my project, where Blazor WASM is part of UI. Downloaded and successfully installed that demo (Blazor version). After reseraching the code I was very dissappointed:- There are no components, that I can just insert in my code definining parameters- All the things...
Hi,I want to download version Blazor Metronicv 8.2.7, to update to the latest version but I'm getting an error.NoSuchKeykeenthemestx00000ca53446618155781-0066c613ab-449da1b0-ams3b449da1b0-ams3b-am...
public class KTIconsSettings{ public static SortedDictionary Config { get; set; } = new SortedDictionary(); public static void init(IConfiguration configuration) { Config = configuration.GetSection("duotone-paths").Get
Hi, I'm using the HTML version of the Medtronic Sales Tracking App template in a Blazor WebAssembly application.With some effort, I'm getting it working, but as soon as I want something generated programmatically, I receive many Javascript errors and something stop working.For instance, in the...
Hello!I was wondering if by any chance we will get the integration for the Blazor Web App template or for Blazor Webassembly?I have seen many questions here about integrations in other Blazor templates (more than 2 years ago..) but nothing.Personally I managed to develop an application a...
Hi is there any place i can get this information? just bought the good template on the bootstrap site and saw blazor was supported and i'm currently stuck because i'm not able to use this template with blazor wasm, if it's not supported, any chance i can get a refund?
Hi, I wanted to download Metronic 8.1.14 Blazor Demo1. After keying in the item purchase code, the download button was spinning but nothing had been downloaded.
Hi, I purchased the Good theme, and it was React version when I wa purchasing. Opened the files and realised it contains DJANGO FLASK versions but not the react version. Now im in huge trouble, could you please provide me with the react version of the same template please.Thanks
I ran with the latest node.js a got this erro when I try to npm run build. I don't know how to fix this issue. Anyone know how to resolve this issue, please help...[webpack-cli] Failed to load 'C:\METRONIC\metronic_blazor_v8.1.8_demo1\blazor_demo1\Starterkit\_keenthemes\tools\webpack.config.js'...