Hello, when i execute npm run build for Metronic in blazor it gives my this error [webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema. - configuration[0].entry['js/widgets.bundle'] should be a non-empty array....
Dear Support Team,I am reaching out to you as I am interested in integrating it with Blazor. I would like to ask for your assistance in this matter.I understand that Blazor is a web framework that allows developers to build web applications using C# and HTML, but I am not sure how to integra...
I am attempting to use Metronic (9.x) with Blazor, and have started a project based on the official sample found here: https://github.com/keenthemes/metronic-tailwind-html-integration/tree/638f04486f737a6c5b86edf51666b8eb72469fb8/metronic-tailwind-blazor-serverAlthough I have to point out, this...
Are there any of the Metronic demos that do not use jQuery at it's core? I was hoping to use one of the demos that had a horizontal layout and looked at 32 and it requires jQuery. I need one that does not require jQuery so I can create a layout file for Blazor.
Hi, we are getting below errors: PS D:\sample\BlazorApp> npm run build> npmjs@1.0.0 build> webpack --config webpack.config.jsDeprecation Warning: Using / for division outside of calc() is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.Recommendation: math.div($input-padding-y,...
Any new page that I add outside of the ones that the template already has, throws me that error, do I have to modify a specific file? this error happens in MasterInit.razorStackMicrosoft.JSInterop.JSException: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'closest')TypeError: Cannot read pro...
HelloI see with the 8.1 release there is now a starter kit for Blazor Server.I was wondering when Blazor WASM will be fully supported in the same way?The vast majority of projects built with blazor now use Blazor Web Assembly as it is far superior to Blazor Server.ThanksWandie87
I just bought the template and I want to use it in Blazor, I have followed the steps in the documentation and when I run the project it only shows me the main screen, it does not load any other submenu or redirect me to anything, nor does it download the other menus.Is it compatible with Blazor...
Dear support,i installed blazor version successfully but can't devel @OnChange not working on this form componenet:https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/documentation/forms/select2.htmlis there any sample or guide for it?Regards
I appreciate that you supply a Blazor net 7 serverside version, but since November the .NET 8 RTM brought a lot a news in Blazor world (reunite the serverside rendering of the old .cshtml with the interactive modes of server-signalR and webassembly).I wonder if you have in your roadmap a .net8 w...
Hello,I am currently trying to Invoke the api-keys.js file and run KTAccountAPIKeys.init in my Blazor File. My Component looks like this:@inject IJSRuntime JS@inject NavigationManager NavManager@code { protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender...
Hello , i tried both aps mvc and blazor, they are not compiling with gulpin the Metronic theme ASP mvc core & Blazor starter pack 8.26 does not work after following the documentation. The errors and warnings are related to outdated dependencies, deprecated packages, and configuration issues.Re...
Hi.I'm trying to figure out how to do some of the JS stuff with blazor. Are there any easy predefined functionality for this? Can't find it in the docs.As an example I want to make a field a datepicker, but it The HTML...
Hello,I'm working on a project for Blazor WASM hosting model and would like to apply Metronic theme to it. However the provided demo is Blazor WASM standalone model, is there any instruction to setup Metronic on Blazor WASM hosting?Or any demo VS solution on Blazor WASM hosting is welcomed....
Hello,Documentation of the Blazor Starterkit suggests that JavaScript files should be imported like this:@inject IJSRuntime JS@inject NavigationManager MyNavigationManager@code { protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) {...
The current Blazor implementation of the theme is in a single project which forces me to use the starter kit project for new projects and cluttering my code with your code.You can create a Nuget package or seperate assembly that can be referenced from new projects. Then I don't need to have the...
I tried to add JavaScript Reference on Header section of _Master.cshtml, LayoutScripts.Razor, and component itself (OnAfterRender event). But its not working. When click on image it open in new tab on browser. Another Question is under Themesettings.json there are some vendors libraries. How Can...