Are there any of the Metronic demos that do not use jQuery at it's core? I was hoping to use one of the demos that had a horizontal layout and looked at 32 and it requires jQuery. I need one that does not require jQuery so I can create a layout file for Blazor.
Sorry for the late reply.
Unfortunately, we don't have a separate Blazor version without jQuery. Our JavaScript components don't use jQuery but some plugins like Datatables.Net, Select2, Flatpickr, etc., require it. If you don't plan to use these plugins, you can remove them from our gulp or webpack scripts and then safely delete jQuery.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Perfectly fine. Thank you so much for the reply and the information because that's exactly what I needed to know. I will try to remove jQuery since I don't plan on using any of the plugins.
Glad to hear that. Let me know if you have any further questions on this topic or anything else.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team