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Tag: Webpack (139)

Hi sir,I am using the theme metronic html version metronic_html_v8.1.7,demo23intlTelInput notworking with country code how it is fix
I followed the steps to integrate with Laravel: issue that I see is that the table is working but Datatables search input, pagination, length select box are not styledAfter digging into th...
Trying to install CORENPM ver: 10.2.4YARN ver: 1.22.21I have removed "type": "module", from package.jsonI have added "resolutions": { "gulp-dart-sass/sass": "1.70.0" }, to package.json and deleted node_modules folder and lock files.Now when I run npm run build --demo1I...
hii was reading through the docs about webpack/gulp for building the files, but i dont see anything about plugins for code splitting / tree shaking / minifying / etc. etc. i also noticed that the demo theme has alot of unused js/css so im a bit suspicious about that.can someone provide s...
Good Morning!I bought the metronic product and went to update it to version 8.0.37 when running npm run build --demo1 in the terminal, as per the instructions I already removed the "type": "module", but it's giving this error:D:\metronic_v8.0.37\html\theme\tools>npm run build --demo1> me...
I used laravel installation, I followed the steps and used nodejs version 14 but when running npm run dev, I receive this error : [webpack-cli] Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module
Do you know some good way / tutorial / guide to integrate Metronic in a Symfony Project with Webpack ?
Do you have deployment build script for react project like vite or webpack to generate dist files for production deployment?I tried the npm run build but I get the following errors:$ npm run build> metronic-react-tailwind@0.0.0 build> tsc -b && vite buildsrc/theme/core/helpers/util...
Hey,i was wondering if it is possible to include the demo3 data into my Metronic 8 Laravel theme?I tried to install it via “npm run dev —demo3” and it worked but how do I change the style to demo3 because it’s still the demo1 default css style.Greetings!
Hello there !I'm using Metronic with Symfony for a while now.I had to hack a bit the system to make it work with Webpack Encore, but now I'm stuck with an old version of Metronic as I had to make core changes to the files.Is there an easy way to integrate Metronic with Webpack Encore ? Thi...
Hi !I use Metronic 8 for Symfony, I use Select2 in a modal, and I try to set values in JS (Multiple values), but even when doing a .trigger('change') or select2:select, the values are not displayed in the input. On the other hand, when I open the dropdown, I can see my selected values, and when...
I've bought Keen template for developing my app and I could check that JS code doesn't work using modules with webpack.For example, if I try to import a KTCard and try to initialize it as it is on the docs, it raises a message saying that KTUtil must be present.So, I would like to know if th...
hi, we use metronic 8.1.7 , laravel version in my project.after sync project with new version of metronic ( update core and assets , ... ) when build project, file mix-manifest.json create successful but not use in project. in production for apply change we should run emp...
I followed the steps to implement metronic in blazor from this page, however I have errors with the webpack and I need help with this
Hi keenthemes, i posted the question here, since I didn't want to make a new post, but apparently you didn'"t see it.I use webpack, and deleted a lots of 3 parties and global pluginsI followed the video that you gave on that...
While trying to build the project with webpack, I encountered this problemModule not found: Error: Can't resolve @/src/plugins/formvalidation/dist/amd/plugins/Bootstrap5.js in /home/XXX/Bureau/XXX/metronic/tools/webpack/plugins
I've followed the documentation but can't buildthis error ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead
Hello,I have a project with Laravel Api Backend and Vuejs frontend.for the assets, I have used demo 23 demos23/src for my frontend.While trying to build my project in vuejs npm run build i have issues with KTUtil is undefined
Hi!I'm trying to integrate Silicon theme into Symfony using Webpack Encore. I am not clear how to proceed in this case. I have installed the necessary packages using yarn for example SmootScrolling, Parallax-js, Rellax, Jarallax etc. Is it necessary to import individual javascript componen...
Hello,Thanks for the work on metronic symfony this is really great.I was wondering if there was any way to build other demos than demo 1 using the symfony starterkit.Checking the content of webpack.config.js, I supposed I might force it by using an env var, ie : export npm_confi...
I recently bought Metronic dashboard on Envato Market, I was extremely impressed by its demo. When I bought, downloaded, and followed the install & set up docs for Django, but when I completed I only got the single dashboard page and sidebar list with no response to those pages. How can I get all ot...