Trying to install CORE
NPM ver: 10.2.4
YARN ver: 1.22.21
I have removed "type": "module", from package.json
I have added "resolutions": {
"gulp-dart-sass/sass": "1.70.0"
}, to package.json and deleted node_modules folder and lock files.
Now when I run npm run build --demo1
I get the following error:
[webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
Thank you, we will apply this fix in the upcoming updates.
Hi Nick Buckland
Sorry for the inconvenience. We have this issue in Windows. In the meantime, please use this workaround for the webpack build.
In file /tools/webpack.config.js somewhere in line between 115 - 118. Please change the code with the line below.
entries["js/widgets.bundle"] = (glob.sync(path.relative("./", srcPath).replaceAll(/\\/g, "/") + "/js/widgets/**/!(_)*.js") || []).map(file => {
return file.replaceAll(/\\/g, "/");
Ah brilliant, that has now worked using npm run build --demo1
Thank you
Hi Nick Buckland
May I know if you are using Mac or Windows? In the meantime, could you please use gulp --demo1 to rebuild the assets?
Thank you
I am running on Windows.
When I run gulp, the script appears to run however the wwwroot/assests folder only contains a /plugins folder
Using gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"
[09:41:28] Using gulpfile C:\xxxxxxxxWeb\_keenthemes\tools\gulpfile.js
[09:41:28] Starting 'default'...
[09:41:28] Starting 'cleanTask'...
[09:41:29] Finished 'cleanTask' after 463 ms
[09:41:29] Starting 'buildBundleTask'...
[09:41:29] Finished 'buildBundleTask' after 139 ms
[09:41:29] Finished 'default' after 609 ms
Directory: C:\xxxxWeb\wwwroot\assets
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 04/03/2024 09:41 plugins
-a---- 20/02/2024 10:11 6148 .DS_Store