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Tag: Metronic (1451)

Hello,Really like your new angular version :)I wonder if there is some infrastructure for implementing CRUD operations. and if so, is there something that go through an HTTP requests (Similar to what you did in the auth module...I.E auth-http.service) I only found pages include forms in th...
Expected functionality: When you try to go to an auth protected URL when your session is expired, you are redirected to the login page. After logging in, you should be redirected to the URL that you requested.Actual Result: After submitting the login form, you are always redirected to the page d...
Hi,I want to know how can I impliment datatable column manager so that hide unwanted columns. It'll be very useful for exporting large column datatables.
Hello,I couldn't find the Individual Column Search feature in metronic8 which existed in previous versions of metronic. way to use this feature or any alternative in metronic8?Best Rega...
I have purchased the regular license of the metronic theme package and am currently experimenting with using your product for a Saas style web application. If things are successful and my development goes well I will of course purchase the extended licence before I deploy the application. My questio...
Hi, How can using your theme for fetch and fast show big data from database from Laravel ,Your theme datatable is working will with small data, but when I load big data more than thousand of records it's take long time before done and show data in table , so what is best solution to using your...
How can we download all metronic themes (html) or (angular) or any other by one click? Not clicking one by one.
I downloaded the Metronic, v8.0.34 because it had the version 8 of laravel. when i opened composer.jason I found the laravel vesion 8.13 but i want to have the laravel version 8.75 linking laravel version on github for reference ( i trie...
Hi thereAre metronic 7 and metronic 8 independent of each other? I want some parts in metronic 8 to be in metronic 7. Is this possible?
i need proper example of splash screen logic export default function App({ store, persistor, basename }) { return ( /* Provide Redux store */ {/* Asynchronously persist redux stores and show `SplashScreen` while it's loading. */}
we are using metronic 7 on project, how could i customize favicon?
Hello,I'm using mixed/widget4, It simply display a number I getting from an API.but by the time the widget is displayed, the api response is not there yet so I'm getting errors. The getter is undefined. a few mseconds it is but too late.Action and mutations are fine, sometime it works, actua...
Hi,Is there any way to toggle between dark-mode and light-mode? The same with the HTML version? I'm planning on creating a switch where a user can switch between light and dark mode without having to refresh the page in React.
v: Metronic 7I did not find complete documentation, in any of the following sites:- the question is, does it exist?
Couldn't find a roadmap for Metronic, I'm looking to understand when/if Metronic will be updated to use Angular 13+ ?Thanks
I've had nothing but issues getting this set up in so many different environments. Trying to follow your documentation is so incredibly frustrating.Having said that i have been battling away with the Vue Laravel integration. I have followed the steps
Good afternoon, I have the need to control the main board of the template, in which section is the controller of the dashboard "/"Where does it redirect to after login?What controller does it use, or how can I make it use one?Thanks
Hi,We have faced an issue when the page is directly loaded from url or reloaded and has a button to a Drawer or Stepper component, sometimes it does nothing when we click on it. We have to navigate away and back for it to work. How could this be fixed?Thank you for your help!
I'm trying to add custom data to widget list.What is the proper way to do this?I've tried to generate custom "timeline-item" and just push it to DOM like innerHtml, but css fails, it doesn't serve my pushed items.I believe I need to do this other way, maybe using something to generate "timel...
Hi, are you planning to provide a CRUD example for angular which uses material themes?
I bought Metronic 7, and now I want to import elements that are only available on Metronic 8 (such as a form select with a search bar) to my project.Is it possible to do so? Thank you.
Hello. I switched to vite in a project where I used the vue version of metronic7, it was very good for me, I see a lot of benefits. I want to make a project with metronic8, but when I want to use vite, I encounter many errors while building the project. Are you planning to use vite in the near f...