I have followed the steps for Static HTML Files Generation in the Metronic Composer documentation, but I am not seeing any changes in my HTML files. What could be the issue? How can I ensure the HTML files are properly generated and updated?
Here is my command:
metronic-composer % ./generate.sh
INFO:generator:Building assets for metronic-tailwind-html. Please wait...
up to date, audited 602 packages in 729ms
154 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
6 moderate severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Run `npm audit` for details.
> metronic-tailwind-html@9.0.4 build:css
> npx tailwindcss -i ./src/css/styles.css -o ./dist/assets/css/styles.css
INFO:generator:Assets built successfully
INFO:generator:HTML files generated successfully in themes/metronic-tailwind-html/dist/html
A total of 0 links were processed.
Hi John,
When you executed run.sh, were you able open the localhost URL and access the demo site on your local?
Thank you
Hi Faizal,
I can access the demo website on
Hi Faizal,
I can also access it on
I tried on a different mac and I still have the issue.
I'm using the last Metronic version from Themeforest and the last composer.
I have Python 3.12.5
Hi John,
Thank you for your purchase!
When replacing Metronic Tailwind v9.0.4, please make sure that the /themes/metronic-tailwind-html/views folder is not removed.
To update the HTML files, run the ./run.sh command in Composer. In another terminal window, execute ./generate.sh to regenerate the HTML files.
You can find the updated HTML files in the following directory:
Thank you!
Thank you for your response. I made sure not to delete the /themes/metronic-tailwind-html/views folder and I ran ./run.sh in Composer and ./generate.sh in another terminal, but the HTML files in /themes/metronic-tailwind-html/dist/html are still not updated. Do you have any other suggestions to solve this issue?