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Tag: Metronic (1320)

Hello,I'd like to use Metronic for the user-interface in a FOSS project of mine. The license terms state:> Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users> *are not* charged for.Due to the nature of Free Software, it is – however – not possible for me to exclude co...
Hello I have already purchased your theme and want to add external js and Jquery in the theme but this is not working. Currently using Metronic Angular 8 version Demo1.Please advice us how can we add External Js/Jquery.Thanks
I am trying to show modal on button click but there is no working modal in demo1 application. When I opened it to edit the codes, I saw that the files like invite-users-modal.component.html were empty. Isthere any working modal example for angular?Thanks in advance.
Hi,The form in Register Page always return "Invalid Password"Is this a bug in Form Validation?Please help meThanksHere is the photo:
I cannot find the support center designs in the figma file.( you please send the figma files!
Guys, How can I find the 21 theme html in download folder ? or any enabled html theme?
Hello , I bought your theme few moments ago and after purchasing I realized the react demo is in Typscript format instead of normal Javascript . How can I get React Demos with JS instead of Ts , Please Help me I don't have time to learn TS .
Hello,I purchased Metronic8 and used it well. Thank you.And, I have a question.I wnat modal in modal (Stackable model / 2 step)For example,Step1
I am integrating Metronic to a SPA web app with Aurelia.js, VSCode and Webpack. When I build the application with NPM I get 3 warnings as the following:There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.This seems to have to do with inline svg declarations as the followinga...
Hi, I'm having problems to run blazor server app with metronic theme. I have followed instructions from as well from
Hello,I didn't understand how to use REGEX validation on fields like email, phone, url, vat etc ...The code I use is the following 'email': { validators: { notEmpty: { message: 'e-mail richiesta!' }, regexp: { regexp: /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/, message: 'Indir...
Hi,what is the purpose of executing before each router call verify action?Metronic is expecting back user object with token. So my backend should check if user from authorization header exists then pass user with new token back?Regardsa
How i can Export Dropdown list and make in active to down load PDF or Excle file?i'm useing KTDatatable type: 'remote', metronic 7
i've downloaded metronics latest version 8.037 on themeforest, but the size only 679mb, why it only contain demo1? The previous version 8.035 got 3,1gb on its size.
Good eveningI've seen a number of posts around integrating Metronic V8 with Blazor WASM.I have this working with Blazor WASM .NET 6.I am able to provide advice should anyone still be struggling, potentially, if there is enough appetite I could create a tutorial or a demo project to share...
This is for your information, hopefully it may be of help to others.I have followed the instructions given in your video Your First Project - Metronic 8 Admin Template , using the demo21 template. When it comes to add the asset folder to the project fo...
I'm working with Metronic 8.0.35 in my React appI want to add an accordion element according to this example (just copied it): it doesn't work. Seems like it static and without Javascript
Hi, how can I get datepicker on Metronic - Bootstrap 5? I need to show year first then month then the day. daterangepicker does not have that option?Thank You.
Hi, I have a button that is invoking data-kt-menu. All is working well based on example except:- calling menu button has dynamic text that is updated from subscription- button params: data-kt-menu-trigger="click" data-kt-menu-placement="bottom-start" - if Apply button ((click)="submit()" data-...