Hi everyone,
I'm working on a Laravel project with the Metronic theme and I'm trying to figure out how to switch views based on the user's role. Specifically, I want to display a different dashboard for 'admin' users compared to 'client' users. What is the best practice for implementing this in Laravel?
Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
You can apply the role middleware to routes or controllers by adding it to the route definition or the controller's constructor.
Route::group(["middleware" => ["role:manager"]], function () {
public function __construct()
$this->middleware(["role:manager","permission:publish articles|edit articles"]);
You can achieve view switching based on user roles in Laravel using the laravel-permission package, which is already included in Metronic Laravel starterkit.
In your views, you can check the user's role and display the appropriate dashboard based on their role:
<!-- Display admin dashboard -->
<!-- Display client dashboard -->
Regarding projected routes, what is your suggestion? Is it possible to provide an example?