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Tag: Laravel (850)

Hi,I'm trying to install the latest demo version of laravel however it's giving me an error.C:\xampp\htdocs\metro\laravel>composer installInstalling dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.Warning: The l...
whwn i apply composer require livewire/livewire command. App composer produce a error like "[RuntimeException] The `url` supplied for the path (./resources/plugins/laravel-page-speed) re pository does not exist "And also i cant in...
I'm trying to use the metronic 7, demo 1 laravel version and an error error Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 255 appeared when I do composer install
Can you tell me when you expect the 'Demo 14 - Interactive Dashboard' to be Laravel ready?
I am using version 3.0.37 and it gives me an error when trying to installrcomposer require phpmailer/phpmaileThe error is the following [RuntimeException] The `url` supplied for the path (./resources/plugins/laravel-page-speed) repository does not exist...
Hi, may I know how I can perform search on multiple columns with the function? Thanks
php artisan or php artisan route:list command produce eror. The error message is Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::__construct(): Argument #2 ($request) must be of type Illuminate\Http\Request, null given, called in /var/www/html/AD -Mgt/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/...
hello friend,how to configuration or make api route with Aut:API,please help Thanks B4
Can you please provide documentation or tutorial to integrate Laravel + VUE + Intertia together..Thanks and Regards
I have followed the steps of the goood template installation guide with laravel, but I have little experience in applying the templates with that frienware, could you help me with a series of more detailed steps please
Hello,when looking at the full demo1 : we see there are a lot of pages already crafter, available to be used. After purchasing, when launching the Laravel version, there is much less - indeed, when getting to the Laravel specific demo, on...
Hello,I want to purchase Metronic, in this source code may I get the angular (front end design and API Calling) + Laravel (Backend) ?
Hello.How can i access your demo blade files. I want refer your demo blade files. I am sharing here the link.""
Hello,I wanted my app to be jquery-free, avoiding importing all these big dependencies. I followed your guidelines : I found out by looking at dependencies docs that lots of js depende...
My DataTable service code herePublic function html(){return $this->builder()->setTableId('admin-countries-table')->columns($this->getColumns())->columns($this->getColumns())->addColumnBefore(['defaultContent' => '','data' => 'DT_RowIndex','name' => 'DT_RowIndex','title' =>...
When I run it: npm run devI get errors:[webpack-cli] Error: Cannot find module 'replace-in-file-webpack-plugin'How to do fix it?
How is it possible to switch from one demo theme to another demo theme?
Hello, you provide a separate Vue version, and a Laravel version using ".blades" files. Do you have any tutorials on integrating the Vue template into Laravel?I see you had a tutorial in Metronic v7, but it does not work with the latest version 8.
Hi Sir,I have some issues need to help1- Can Yajra working with Laravel 5.22-How can combined your theme Metronic 8 with Yajra without lose your theme style and all functionality , Because when I install Yajra in my project the many functionality is lose and not working perfectly ..!3-...
Dear support,We are using Metronic Laravel Demo 8.0.37. We include repeater.js in global pages config"plugins/custom/formrepeater/formrepeater.bundle.js", when we try to use in JS its giving "$(...).repeater is not a function" error. We also try to include it in plugin.js but the result is same....
Hello, I have already purchased your theme. I want to develop it in laravel and vue js. The problem i am facing right now that is couple of js file showing error after compile by webpack like plugins.bundle.js and script.bundle.js. Can you give me any advise please?