when looking at the full demo1 : https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/demo1/index.html we see there are a lot of pages already crafter, available to be used. After purchasing, when launching the Laravel version, there is much less - indeed, when getting to the Laravel specific demo, only a few are available : https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/laravel/
I wanted to know if there is a way to use those other crafted pages in my laravel project easily - that is, without opening a project from the html version, taking the html and readapting everything to Blade?
The disparity between the extensive offerings in the Metronic demo1 and the ISO 41001 Certification in Singapore limited pages available in the Laravel version raises concerns about the completeness of the framework for Laravel users.
Hi @melon sandbox
It is necessary to obtain it from the HTML version, then utilize the HTML in the Laravel blade.
Laravel already incorporates the HTML version's CSS styling. There are no functional components in the HTML version; all of them are static.
Hi Jeremy,
You have to get it from the HTML version, take the HTML and use it in the Laravel blade.
The CSS styles from the HTML version have already been integrated into Laravel. All the components from the HTML version are static and non-working components. The actual functionality and implementation need to be done by the customer because every customer has its own business requirements.